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iOS WebView Bug Can Force iPhones to Make Calls While UI Freezes

A bug in the iOS WebView component allows an attacker to force someone’s iPhone to dial any number, while also locking the user’s interface for a few moments, preventing him to cancel the outgoing call. Security researcher Collin Mulliner discovered a first variant of this issue in 2008, affecting Apple’s mobile Safari browser, which the […]

How To Block SMS From Any Sender – iPhone

Sometimes you are really pissed off because of the huge spam you get from various SMS senders. You might be getting lot of promos and offers that you don’t want to buy. In this post we will help you to block all such messages. On iOS 10 To block: Step 1: Open the spam text […]

5 Best Open Source Mobile Test Automation Tools

Short Bytes: There is a wide range of devices and platforms one needs to account for when developing a mobile app. An automation app for Mobile Testing can save development and testing time. Here are 5 top open source automated mobile testing frameworks to use, including the likes of Appium, Robotium, and Selendroid. Testing a software […]

What We Can Learn from the Trident/Pegasus iOS Vulnerability

It’s been several weeks since the story broke about Trident/Pegasus and the vulnerabilities they exploited in iOS.  There has certainly been a significant (although a lot less than expected) amount of conversation in the industry about these vulnerabilities, but I believe the really important conversation to have right now is less about the specific issues exposed by […]

How to recover deleted files from Android

If you have deleted any files on your computer then you can use Recuva software to recover data from hard drive. But when it comes to Android then we have no idea, but, don’t worry; Dr.Fone an effective app that helps you to recover deleted photos on Android. Dr.Fone is available on Android, iOS, Microsoft Windows […]

Apple issues critical updates for Mac – Users MUST update OS X, Safari

Apple has issued urgent security updates for Mac and Safari — Update right now. Now this is what we call something that’s serious and requires immediate action and attention from Mac users. Apple is trying out all possible forums to alert Mac users about a critical security threat and also urging them to update OSX […]

After iOS, Opera’s Free VPN App is Available for Android Devices

Opera’s free VPN app for Android users comes with security tools and it’s free. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is an essential tool for Internet users to keep their privacy well maintained. Some VPNs come with a price while some for free and of course most users will choose free stuff because who wants to spend […]

WhatsApp and Myth Behind its Encrypted Chats

WhatsApp introduced end-to-end encryption last month which was praised by privacy advocates however the reality is far from the truth! WhatsApp recently introduced end-to-end encryption for users worldwide and if you recently updated WhatsApp on your device you may have noticed an alert stating “messages you send to this chat and calls are now secured with end-to-end encryption.” […]

How To Catch Pikachu In Pokémon GO

Nintendo’s Pokémon GO which is right now the most popular game all over the world, will use real locations to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon. Pokémon GO allows you to find and catch more than a hundred species of Pokémon as you explore your surroundings. Everyone who has […]

Use Free Photo App Prisma for Awesome Edits and Effects

Prisma is an Art Filters and Photo Effects and Editor app for free! Everyone wants to look good but when it’s about updating our pictures on social media there’s always an urge to look mindblowing. If you are among those users here is a free photo app for you which on Apple store that can turn […]

Android’s full-disk encryption just got much weaker—here’s why

Unlike Apple’s iOS, Android is vulnerable to several key-extraction techniques. Privacy advocates take note: Android’s full-disk encryption just got dramatically easier to defeat on devices that use chips from semiconductor maker Qualcomm, thanks to new research that reveals several methods to extract crypto keys off of a locked handset. Those methods include publicly available attack code […]


Last week Apple cleared the air as to whether or not it intentionally released an unencrypted version of its iOS 10 beta kernel to the developer community, stating the move was intentional. “The kernel cache doesn’t contain any user info, and by unencrypting it we’re able to optimize the operating system’s performance without compromising security,” […]

Apple Deletes App That Informed Users If Their iPhone is Hacked

Apple has removed a security App from its app store claiming it’s misleading and confusing for users — The app was developed to inform users if they are being hacked and spied by malicious actors! The usual search keywords on Google about hacking are hacking tools, how to hack or how to know if I […]

Best Choice for Teens’ Cyber Safety – Parental Control App!

Teens spend more time on the web than staying out, it’s your responsibility to keep an eye on them and their online activities — Here a free app that can help you keep your kids safe! Teens’ cyber safety! The term is being heavily discussed among parents and the internet security experts. Resultantly, the experts have […]

Viber to Put Full End-to-End Encryption on Their Messaging App

Viber to put encryption to their messaging app People are definitely worried about the threat of hacking and malware, as every other day we get to hear about some firm switching to more advanced encryption techniques so as to make its services safer and secure for users. The latest to join the encryption bandwagon is […]

iOS Malware AceDeceiver: Hide and Seek between Apple’s DRM Versus MITM

Do you consider non-jailbroken iPhones to be safe? Think again! AceDeceiver is playing havoc with Apple’s most celebrated devices. This malware has started a tug of war between Apple’s acclaimed DRM security technology and MITM. Claud Xiao works as a researcher for Palo Alto Networks and he is the first person to detect the malicious […]

New attack steals secret crypto keys from Android and iOS phones

Researcher-devised exploit threatens Bitcoin wallets and other high-value assets. Researchers have devised an attack on Android and iOS devices that successfully steals cryptographic keys used to protect Bitcoin wallets, Apple Pay accounts, and other high-value assets. The exploit is what cryptographers call a non-invasive side-channel attack. It works against theElliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm, a crypto […]

Cell 411 Smartphone App is Police’s Worst Nightmare

Cell 411 app lets you alert your friends during emergency situation rather than depending on the police. A new mobile app has been giving the cops sleepless nights. The reason is that the Cell 411 app lets you call on your friends or a group of trusted people if you are in an emergency situation […]

Which Phone is More Vulnerable to Hacking – iPhone or Android?

iOS users take on Android while Android users criticize Apple — But which OS is actually secure? It is a fact that cybercriminals develop an Android malware every 17 seconds while the other security flaws make an Android smartphone vulnerable to hackers. According to security experts, Apple’s devices are more secure and reliable in the context […]

Why Tim Cook is right to call court-ordered iPhone hack a “backdoor”

Custom version of iOS could undo years of work Apple put into securing iPhones. Tuesday’s court order compelling Apple to hack the iPhone belonging to a gunman who killed 14 people and injured 22 others has ignited an acrimonious debate. CEO Tim Cook called the order “chilling” because, he said, it requires company engineers to create […]