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indian hackers

More 252 Mostly Pakistani Websites Hacked by Indian Cyber L33T

Indian Cyber L33T group has hacked 252 websites mostly from Pakistan, leaving their deface page on the hacked websites along with a song supporting the Palestine cause.  Hackers also left a message for Pakistani hackers. hello frndz.. Indian Cyber L33T Bang again .. We r True Indian Hackers Message to Porkies —> think it as a PAYBACK […]

Ukraine Shopping Store Hacked and 1389 User Accounts leaked by xdev @ b4lc4nh4ck

A Ukraine based online shopping store was attacked by xdev @ b4lc4nh4ck hacker, leaving 1389 account details of daily users. Hack was announced by the hacker via his twitter account. Targeted website: Leaked Data:  Leaked data contains users details, username, email, passwords (noncrypted), addresses and  phone numbers. xdev @ b4lc4nh4ck  left following message on leaked data: pwned […]

Stanford University hacked by Team Nuts

Offical Stanford University subdomain has been hacked and defaced by “Yash” and “C0de Inject0r” from hacking group ”Team Nuts”. Hackers left their deface page on the hacked domain with a message and a Patriotic Indian Chant/song ”Vande Mataram” as a background music. However no reason was given by the hackers for hacking the Stanford website. Deface Message: [#] Hacked […]

Islamic Nasheed Bank Hacked by xdev @b4lc4nh4c, over 2600 Accounts leaked

Islamic Nasheed Bank website has been hacked and over 2600 accounts have been leaked by xdev @b4lc4nh4c. Hack was announced in a twitter post by the hackers. Leaked data was posted online on pastebin. Targeted website: Leaked data:  Leaked data contains, emails, passwords and username. Islamic Nasheed Bank is not some Islamic business bank, it is basically a […]