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information security services

Hackers steal Radiohead recordings; demand a $150k USD ransom

According to information security services specialists, the music group Radiohead was the victim of a group of hackers which somehow managed to steal a set of archived sessions of the band in recent days, threatening to publish them if they did not receive a $150k USD ransom. However, instead of paying the ransom or trying […]

Intel Zombieload vulnerability correction slows computer equipment

The tech company Intel has confirmed that the problems discovered on their processors chips imply a decrease in the performance of the computers of some users, report experts in information security services. According to the reports, the data centers could be affected to a greater extent by these corrections, although they mention that this impact […]

Three antivirus companies were hacked and their source cold was sold

A report recently released by an information security services firm claims that a group of hackers have released information exposed by a data breach against three of the major U.S. antivirus software companies. This group of hackers, self-named “Fxmsp”, aims to sell source code owned by companies, in addition to the keys to access their […]