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Installing Kali Linux

Kali Linux Now Finally Comes to Windows 10

Kali Linux, the hacker-friendly distro, is now available for Windows 10 on the Microsoft store. This is in fact news for many who have had set notions about Microsoft and its ways. Brian Fagioli writes for BetaNews– “It still seems unreal, but yes, you can install Linux distributions from the Microsoft Store on Windows 10. […]

Installing Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi3

Installing Kali Linux 2.0 on a Raspberry Pi 3 is a straight forward task.  If you have installed Kali on a Pi 1 or 2 the steps are the same. Things Needed: Raspberry Pi 3 Power Supply HDMI cable 8-32 GB SD-Card Keyboard and mouse for controls Step-by-Step How To Install Kali Linux 2.0 to […]