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Intel CPU flaw

Spectre-like “Foreshadow” Flaw In Intel CPUs Can Leak Your Secrets

When the Spectre and Meltdown security flaws in Intel chips were disclosed earlier this year, security researchers called it a loophole so big that it’ll keep leaking for some considerable time in the future as well. Over the course of following months, that prediction turned out to be true and we are still witnessing similar […]

BranchScope: Intel CPUs Vulnerable To New Spectre-Like Attack

In the computer security world, once a vulnerability is found it doesn’t take much longer for the security researchers to find similar flaws and propose new attack mechanisms. The researchers at College of William and Mary, University of California Riverside, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar, and Binghamton University, have found a new Spectre-like attack. Before I go ahead and […]