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GoToMyPC Suffers Security Breach; Resets Passwords

GoToMyPC users are advised to change their account password amid recent security breach! GoToMyPC, just like TeamViewer, is a remote control software service that enables the user to operate their computer from another computer, over the Internet and last week hackers tried to bypass its security and steal login credentials. Good thing is that the […]

Beware; Latest PayPal Phishing Scam Comes From Irish Government Email

Irish Government Emails Used in Latest PayPal Phishing Scam — Scammers are targeting your inbox with “Your Account Will Be Limited” phishing scam with terrible English skills! Cybercriminals and scammers try their best to adopt the most sophisticated techniques so users can be tricked into giving away their personal and financial information. In the past, we witnessed […]

VerticalScope Breach; 45 Million Users Affected

Bad news for users in the automotive industry as 45 million accounts from Vertical Scope got stolen! VerticalScope, an Internet media company, known for its automotive and sports vertical market-related content suffered a massive data breach earlier  this year in February. However, it seems  the company preferred to hide the data breach rather than inform affected users and […]

Hacking Facebook Account by Simply Knowing Account Phone Number

How to hack a Facebook account? that’s an answer everyone wants to know. Though there are many ways to get into someone’s Facebook these researchers have demonstrated how to hack anyone’s account with just their phone number! There are about a billion users of Facebook nowadays which constitutes to about a sixth of the world’s […]

Greenwich University target of revenge hack; results in huge data breach

Brief: Greenwich university has suffered a massive data breach in what looks like a revenge hack — The unknown hacker stole entire database and leaked it on the Dark Web! The Internet has its advantages but it also contains a lot of threats such as access to best hacking tools or other stuff that would have been impossible […]

Cyber Criminals Running Sophisticated Malware Campaign Via Skype

Skype users watch out for the latest malware campaign in which criminals act as US officials offering to help people looking to get visas for the US. Skype is widely used chatting application that provides video chat and voice call services. Sometimes, crooks use it to run scams but this time, researchers have exposed a […]

Anonymous Boosts Up OpIcarus, Shuts Down Bilderberg Group Website

Anonymous hacktivists conducted  DDoS attacks on the Bilderberg Group website when the group was having a meeting in Germany! It seems like the online hacktivist Anonymous has moved its focus from banks to even bigger fishes as this time the group has conducted a powerful cyber attack on the official website of Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg […]

77K accounts of Financial Giant, State Farm, leaked due to DAC Group Hack

Some unknown hackers have breached into the servers of DAC Group and leaked 93,000 customer accounts this week! DAC Group, a Toronto-based digital & content marketing agency has suffered a security breach on their server resulting in data theft of 93,000 customer accounts — In normal circumstances it would be just another security breach but what makes […]

No, Acunetix Website was NOT hacked

Acunetix website was not hacked — The so-called hacker took advantage of server downtime and used the fake screenshot to prove his defacement! On 5th June, a wannabe hacker from Croatia claimed to have defaced the official website of Acunetix web vulnerability scanner (WVS) but it turned out to be nothing but a gimmick to get some fame one […]

Hackers Use Leaked LinkedIn Database to Hack Mark Zuckerberg’ Twitter, Pinterest

Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts were hacked — Researchers believe passwords were stolen from leaked LinkedIn Data! The 2012 LinkedIn database hack has affected many, and as the information keeps pouring in, we are getting to know how devastating the attack must have been for all those involved. It is being reported that on Monday, […]

Automated Web Application Scanner Acunetix Website Hacked

The developers of Acunetix vulnerability scanner tool had their website defaced by a hacker who claims he did it for Lulz! An unknown Croatian hacker hacked and defaced the official website of world-renowned Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (WVS) Saturday morning. The hacker left a deface page along with a message on the homepage of Acunetix’s website stating that […] Hacked, Thousands of Credit Cards and Accounts Leaked

What goes around comes around — The cyber crime known for selling hacked accounts has been hacked and massive data has been leaked online! The year 2016 has been hard on internet users and websites alike since more than 1,076 data breaches have occurred. The latest one is previously known as, a Dark Net platform where hackers and cyber criminals sell hacked and stolen […]

Hackers Leak 36 million+ MongoDB Accounts

You may have heard of the phrase It’s raining cats and dogs but in the world of cyber security it’s raining data! A group of hackers going by the handle of TeamGhostShell has leaked more than 36 million accounts/records of internal data from several vulnerable networks in order to raise awareness about the poor security infrastructure implemented […]

Privacy concern over EU’s plan to introduce ID cards for social media

EU’s Plan for Extending National ID Cards Use to Social Media Actually Deprives Users of their Right to Online Privacy! We have been informing you all along regarding the way government institutions are constantly thinking of ways to spy upon our internet browsing and social media communications. This latest news is simply a re-affirmation of […]

50 hackers Who Stole $25million Arrested by Russian Authorities

What goes around comes around and for these cyber criminals it came too fast! Around fifty cybercriminals have been arrested by Russian authorities on charges of stealing 1.7billion roubles. This roughly accumulated to $25 million and £18 million. This is being referred to as the largest arrest of hackers to date in Russia. Authorities in […]

Dridex Malware is Back and Targeting Banking Sector in US

US Financial Institutions and banks Threatened by Deadly New Version of Dridex Malware Once upon a time, there was a malware called Dridex, which was a preferred attacking tool of hackers and threat actors but then it lost its spark and we all forgot about how devastating it was. But the malware is back with […]

Anonymous Hacks Spanish Police Server, Leaks Data Against Gag Law

Details of Over 5,000 Spanish Cops Leaked Online by Anonymous because of Gag law A couple of weeks ago a hacker going with the handle of HackBack hacked into the servers of Sindicat De Mossos d’Esquadra (SME) or the Catalan Police Union and leaked highly confidential details of officials as a protest against police brutality. Now, the […]

University of Calgary Network Suffers Malware Attack

The University of Calgary faced massive malware attack impacting its servers for days! The computer servers at the University of Calgary, Canada, has suffered a sophisticated malware attack impacting its IT infrastructure this Saturday(28th May) when officials noticed suspicious activity and warned students not to use any computers issued by the university. On 29th May, […]