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IoT malware

Telnet IoT Honeypot – Python Telnet Honeypot For Catching Botnet Binaries

This project implements a python telnet server trying to act as a honeypot for IoT Malware which spreads over horribly insecure default passwords on telnet servers on the internet. Other than or (examples), which provides full (via chroot) or simulated behaviour of a linux system this honeypots goal is just to collect statistics […]

A New Linux Trojan Called NyaDrop Threatens the IoT Landscape

Malware author returns to IoT landscape following Mirai’s success and the wealth of vulnerable devices. The Krebs DDoS attacks have proven that the IoT landscape is a fertile ground that can breed huge botnets capable of launching massive DDoS assaults. As such, it should be to no surprise that malware authors are now focusing their efforts […]