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IT Security

Women Empowerment in Technology and IT Security Pushed

Women in technology is a force to recon with, as it is one of the most gender-neutral industries on a global scale. This has been the message echoed in the recently concluded League of Women Voters, an unofficial event on how women in IT can help people maintain IT security. “There are times when I […]

IT Security Culture Evolution of Businesses Exposed

Security culture is the behavior in an organization that contributes to the protection of data, information, and knowledge, very useful today in the wake of implementation of Data Protection Laws, like the European’s GDPR. Each individual working for an organization is influenced by several ethical, national and organizational cultures. These cultures have an effect on […]

Startup Firms at the Age of Growing Cybercrimes

At the turn of the new century, 2000 AD, the dependence of people and companies with technology has been integrated than ever before. Cybersecurity companies and penetration testing teams are being organized left and right to fill the gap of security. Companies that are operating a business that has nothing to do with IT can […]

How to Protect Businesses Against DDoS Attacks

Security, for any business today, is important; we, at HackerCombat, have already reported on the rising costs of IT security on the global level. More and more business today invest heavily in security; they have started realizing that without security, it’s almost impossible for any business to flourish in today’s circumstances. We have arrived at […]

Hacked Satellite Systems can Launch Microwave-Like Attacks, Expert Warns

A cybersecurity researcher has pointed out, at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, that if hackers lay hands on the satellite systems used by ships, planes etc, they could use the same to carry out microwave-like attacks. The researcher, Ruben Santamarta, has clarified that such satellite systems, which are used by ships, planes and […]

UK IT professionals are better at handling security vulnerabilities

A survey was conducted by Outpost24 to identify the managing of cyber-security exposure. This survey was conducted at Infosecurity and around 250 plus IT professionals were present for the event. The study found that UK organization is proactive when it comes to security compared to their US counterparts. Most of the organizations in the UK run security […]

Should Corporate Executives Be Responsible for Security?

Amit Yoran, the current CEO of the cyber exposure company called Tenable Network Security, has recently revealed that corporate executives are regularly downplaying the digital security threats they are facing. And given Yoran’s sterling track record and considerable experience as founding director of the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team under the Department of Homeland Security, […]

Corporate Cyber Security at risk due to poor password practices

A recent survey found that a one-fourth of the workers reuse a similar password for all the online records, putting corporate cybersecurity in danger and asking for better training. What is more worrying is the fact that 80 percent of the employees who reuse the same credential don’t try to secure their cell phone or work area […]

RSA Conference 2018: What You Can Expect at This Year’s Event

The biggest schmoozefest in the IT security industry – The annual RSA Conference in San Francisco is an event of key trends. In past years, Fortune has analyzed the titles of scheduled sessions at the event to determine what’s hot and what’s not. Between 2012 and 2015, for example, “cyber” and “cloud” rose to prominence, signaling the […]

Some Basic Tech Security Hacks That Everyone Should Use

Almost everyone today knows that the internet is full of viruses, all kinds of malware (simple as well as sophisticated ones) and different sorts of scams. There are hackers all around who are waiting to get a chance to prowl upon anyone with a vulnerability in their system/network. Today, the situation is even more complicated […]

It Should be Cybersecurity and not IT security

The Cyber Security Summit organized by the CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) insisted how India should move from IT security to Cyber Security. The speaker raised his concern and asked the organization to set the ball rolling and put in place certain legality to arrest the menace of the cyber threat. Nilesh Mhatre, Chief Information […]

Learn IT Security for Free (New Site)

So i was busy browsing through the internet and came across this great site which i thought i should share to you guys. It’s about It Security courses , which is free. I know right? Just what you need in your spare time. No need to pay loads of cash , as they give you […]

UK Civilian Beats 2,000 Rivals in US Military Cyber-Challenge

A 26 year old U.K. software developer got big honors in a cyber challenge organized by the U.S. department of defense. In the challenge was U.K civilian, Chris Doman from Essex came second to a team from North Grumman. Doman was ranked as top non-pro civilian among 2000 other candidates. The challenge which was named […]