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Linux 5.1

Linus Torvalds Releases Linux 5.1 With Lots Of New Features

Linux boss Linus Torvalds has released the stable version of Linux kernel 5.1 after seven release candidates. Kernel releases generally achieve the stable status after seven or eight release candidates, so it’s great for Linux 5.1 to take shape a week early. Also, the “Shy Crocodile” codename of the latest release remains the same as the past […]

Linux 5.1 Might Add Support For Using Persistant Memory As System RAM

There are numerous differences when it comes to traditional RAM and flash storage. While both might be using solid state technologies, RAM is known to be much faster, costly, and speedy. With new solutions like Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory, things are going looking a bit different as it continues to bridge the gaps between non-volatile storage and RAM. […]