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Linux Lexicon

How To Schedule Jobs in Linux | Cron and Crontab Commands

Short Bytes: While using a computer system, often one faces the need to carry out certain repetitive jobs on a schedule. Instead of manually executing the requisite commands each and every single time, you can make things easier for yourself by using the Linux Cron utility and the Crontab command. Wondering how to schedule jobs in […]

How To Compress And Extract Files In Linux | Tar, Gzip, Gunzip Commands

Short Bytes: In this article in the Linux Lexicon series, we shall discover how to compress and extract files in Linux. We will be focusing upon the tar, gzip, and gunzip commands along with their associated options. These commands have simple syntax to make the task easier. While there are special software designed for the compressing and […]

Linux Lexicon — Anatomy Of A Man Page

Short Bytes: Software man pages and documentation can be thick and difficult enough for any beginner without the cryptic conventions laced with every kind of bracket and parenthesis. Here, we’ll try to tone down the complexity of Linux man pages and make it easier to understand. Man pages are typically broken down into a series of […]

Linux Lexicon: Use Watch Command To Run A Command Every X Seconds

Short Bytes: Have you ever needed to run a command every couple minutes to check on something? Say you need to watch a RAID rebuild or watch a log in real time, but need to search or filter it first. That takes a lot of specialized tools, one for each task really. But using watch […]

Linux Lexicon — Input And Output With Pipes And Redirection In Linux

Short Bytes: Command output, and input, can be controlled in extremely flexible ways using pipes and redirection. This is much more than smoke and mirrors, it’s the magic of Linux and UNIX-like shells. When working with the command-line interface it’s common to want to use the results of one command in another, but it’s extremely […]

Linux Lexicon: Comparing Files in Linux Using Terminal

If you thought learning to work with files was interesting, wait till you read what we have in store for you today. Did you know that it was possible to compare two files in Linux using the Terminal? No? Well, let’s find out! Linux is like a Pandora’s box of amazing stuff! Just when you […]

Linux Lexicon: Working With Files In Linux

Now that learning how to Work With Directories is off your checklist, we can focus on handling and working with files in Linux. So, this time, we are going to talk about moving, copying, renaming, deleting files and a host of other options. As a Linux user, you should aim to do everything on the […]

Linux Lexicon: Finding Files And Directories In Linux

Finding files and directories in Linux can prove to be quite a tedious task for a beginner. But knowing how to locate a particular file or directory is an indispensable skill. This article is aimed at helping you learn to find files and directories in Linux using the find and locate commands, along with the […]

Linux Lexicon: Understanding The ‘ls’ Command In Linux

Although it may only be two letters long, but one certainly can not underestimate the power of the ls command. Today, we are going to focus on understanding the output of the ls command, some useful options that can be used in conjunction with it and much more. Like the cd command , the ‘ls’ […]

Linux Lexicon: Working With Directories In Linux

In our previous article on the Linux Directory Structure, we discussed the importance of directories in Linux and their organisation. Today, we are going to take a step further and learn how to manipulate and handle the various directories in Linux. Directories form an integral facet of the Linux system. It is really important for […]

Linux Lexicon: Linux Man Pages And Their Navigation

Previously, we’ve told you about some basic Linux commands to help you get started with the process. In this article of the Linux Lexicon series, we’ll be talking about the man command in detail. We’ll tell you what exactly are man pages, what do they contain, their navigation and much more. Linux possesses such a […]

Linux Lexicon: Introduction To Linux Shell And Terminal | fossBytes

Last time we discussed the Linux Directory Structure and the roles of the various directories that form a part of the Linux File System. In this article, we shall be discussing the Linux Shell, the Terminal, and the Shell Prompt. Put in simple words, the ‘Linux Shell’ is the default command line interface to the […]

Linux Lexicon: Getting Started With Linux | fossBytes

We, the people at fossBytes, have always been supportive of the Open Source Movement (so much that even the name of our site has ‘FOSS’ embodied in it *chuckles*). And at its core, there is Linux Kernel (pun intended). Be it the smallest Android smartphone or the biggest of servers, Linux has become the very […]