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Linux server

NextCry Ransomware Encrypts Files On NextCloud Linux Servers

NextCry ransomware is a new malware that has been spotted in the wild targeting files of clients who use Nextcloud file sync and share service. The ransomware gets its name from the extension it uses to append the file names of encrypted files. There is no free decryption tool available for NextCry victims at the […]

7 Best Linux Server Distros You Need To Use | 2018 Edition

Why choose Linux for Servers? When it comes to the popularity of different operating systems, Linux enjoys a better position in the servers market. Due to many unbeatable benefits like stability, security, freedom, and hardware support, Linux is often the favorite platform to work upon for system administrators and expert users. Just like other special […]

Linux bug leaves USA Today, other top sites vulnerable to serious hijacking attacks

“Off-path” attack means hackers can be anywhere with no man-in-the-middle needed. Computer scientists have discovered a serious Internet vulnerability that allows attackers to terminate connections between virtually any two parties and, if the connections aren’t encrypted, inject malicious code or content into the parties’ communications. The vulnerability resides in the design and implementation of RFC […]

How to Host your website by creating a Linux Server

Alright here is the method, on how to host your website on Linux server (vps). Since these days you can see hosting a website is costly ,so for this you can host your website on Linux server at low cost and with better bandwidth where it can hold a lot of traffic than shared hosting […]