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7 Best Features Of Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak

Short Bytes: The latest offering from Canonical is the Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak open source operating system. It comes with the developer preview of the Unity 8 graphical shell and improvement to the Nautilus file browser. Ubuntu 16.10 has been updated with GNOME 3.20 applications and offers Linux kernel 4.8. Canonical Inc. has released the […]

Linux Lexicon: Use Watch Command To Run A Command Every X Seconds

Short Bytes: Have you ever needed to run a command every couple minutes to check on something? Say you need to watch a RAID rebuild or watch a log in real time, but need to search or filter it first. That takes a lot of specialized tools, one for each task really. But using watch […]

Upcoming Linux Distributions Releasing In October 2016

Short Bytes: In October 2016, we’ll be greeted with some major release of popular Linux distribution. Linux enthusiasts will be able to try out the final release of Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak and get their hands on the beta release of Fedora 25. The other scheduled releases include release candidates of openSUSE Leap 42.2 and Black […]

POSIX — What is the Portable Operating System Interface?

Short Bytes: Standards are what make my computer able to communicate with yours, they make websites render the same on our respective computers, they allow our computers to interpret a live video feed do that we all see the same thing. But standard extend beyond the sharing of content between two computers, some standards define […]

Fluxion – WPA/WPA2 Security Hacked Without Brute Force

Fluxion is a remake of linset by vk496 with less bugs and more features. It’s compatible with the latest release of Kali (Rolling). Latest builds (stable) and (beta) HERE . If you new, please start reading the wiki How it works: Step 1: Scan the networks.Step 2: Capture a handshake (can’t be used without a […]


With just a mere 48 characters of code, Linux admin and SSLMate founder Andrew Ayer has figured out how to crash major Linux distributions by locally exploiting a flaw in systemd. Ayer said the following command, when run as any user, will crash systemd: “NOTIFY_SOCKET=/run/systemd/notify systemd-notify” Systemd is an essential part of the boot process for most […]

Linux Kernel 4.8 Released By Linus Torvalds — Here Are The 10 Best Features

Short Bytes: After eight Release Candidates and lots of development work, Linux kernel 4.8 has been released by Linus Torvalds. The latest kernel release brings better support for lots of hardware and components. This release also marks the opening of the merge window for 4.9 kernel, which will be the next LTS kernel branch. As planned, […]

Meet Linux.Mirai Trojan, a DDoS nightmare

Linux-based devices are again under the radar. This time, cyber criminals are infecting them with Linux.Mirai Trojan to carry large-scale DDoS attacks. The IT security researchers at Russian firm Doctor Web have discovered yet another trojan that is specifically developed to target Linux-based devices and conduct Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Dubbed Linux.Mirai by researchers; the […]

ORWL — First Open Source And Physically Secure PC, Runs Linux And Windows

Short Bytes: ORWL is the first open source, physically secure computer. Using a secure microcontroller (MCU) and an ‘active clamshell mesh’, the device makes sure that nobody breaks the security of the system. Its maker, Design Shift, has also launched a crowdfunding campaign on Crowd Supply. In today’s age, our most precious information is saved on our computers. We use […]

Unsafe at any clock speed: Linux kernel security needs a rethink

Ars reports from the Linux Security Summit—and finds much work that needs to be done. The Linux kernel today faces an unprecedented safety crisis. Much like when Ralph Nader famously told the American public that their cars were “unsafe at any speed” back in 1965, numerous security developers told the 2016 Linux Security Summit in […]

Linux Lexicon — Input And Output With Pipes And Redirection In Linux

Short Bytes: Command output, and input, can be controlled in extremely flexible ways using pipes and redirection. This is much more than smoke and mirrors, it’s the magic of Linux and UNIX-like shells. When working with the command-line interface it’s common to want to use the results of one command in another, but it’s extremely […]

Rolling Release Vs. Fixed Release Distros — Which Linux Distributions Are Better?

Short Bytes: Different methods are available for updating Linux distributions. On this basis, we can broadly classify various distros as rolling distributions and fixed release distributions. Rolling means that the updates are pushed as soon as they are coded. In fixed release, the updates are tested thoroughly and pushed at once. Years ago, when I got […]

Doctor Web discovers the first Linux Trojan that is written in Rust language

Experts from Dr Web discovered a new Linux Trojan called Linux.BackDoor.Irc.16 that is written in the Rust programming language. It is a prolific period for Vxers working on Linux Trojan, a new strain was recently spotted by experts from Doctor Web. The new Linux Trojan has been named Linux.BackDoor.Irc.16 and is written in the Rust programming language.Rust […]

How To Hide A Folder Or File Under An Image In Linux

Everyone faces a time where they have to hide stuff from others. Well everyone knows the classic way of hiding files deep inside a folder but in some cases it might not be enough to keep smart people from peeking on your files.  In this case, hiding your files under an image might work fine. Before we […]

Luabot Malware Turning Linux Based IoT Devices into DDoS Botnet

Researchers have discovered a malware called Luabot being used to Launch DDoS Attacks on Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The IT security researchers at MalwareMustDie have discovered a malware that is capable of infecting Linux-based Internet of Things (IoT) devices and web servers to launch DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. Dubbed Linux/Luabot by researchers; the malware is coded […]

Building Your Own Linux System From The Ground Up

Short Bytes: Most Linux distributions come with convenient installers with many options, but that wasn’t always the case. Even today, there are many distributions that only come with bare-bones installation scripts, but why on Earth would someone want to do that? The one word that always seems to answer that question is “control.” Linux is […]

Man who hacked, Linux Foundation in 2011 Arrested

The hacker who almost ruined Linux website and its servers in 2011 has been arrested by Miami Police. The US Department of Justice has said that that the person who was deemed responsible for the Linux Kernel Organization’s website ( and also the servers of Linux Foundation in 2011, the 27-year-old Donald R. Austin, has […]

BASHLITE malware turning millions of Linux Based IoT Devices into DDoS botnet

Researchers have exposed millions of Linux-based IoT devices infected with BASHLITE malware — Lizard Squad and PoodleCorp have already released Linux-based DDoS tools. The IT security researchers at Level 3 firm and FlashPoint have discovered a malware that is specifically developed to target Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Must Read: The Troubling State of Security Cameras; Thousands of Devices […]