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malware attack

Unpatched Remote Code Execution in Ghostscript Revealed by Google

Ghostscript, a mainstream raster image processor and back-end raster image converter for PDF has been discovered of harboring a critical vulnerability, a zero-day remote code execution flaw. Ghostscript is an open standard, almost all image applications dealing with raster graphics bundle it by default. “I found a few file disclosure, shell command execution, memory corruption […]

Second bank hit by ‘sophisticated’ malware attack, says Swift

The financial messaging network says a commercial bank was targeted in an attack with ‘deep knowledge of operational controls’. Swift, the global financial messaging network that banks use to move billions of dollars every day, warned on Thursday of a second malware attack similar to the one that led to February’s $81 million cyberheist at the […]

Email from your photocopier? It could be a malware attack

Twenty years ago, the first Word macro malware spread across the planet. Embedded inside a Word document, and rather unhelpfully given a kick start by being shipped on a Microsoft CD ROM, the Concept virus proved that people were much more willing to open unsolicited .DOC files than something more obviously suspicious like an .EXE […]

Webhost Easily hit by malware attack

UK webhosting company Easily has emailed its customers to inform them that it has fallen victim to a malware attack. COO Edwina McDowall says that the assailant is, as yet, unknown but steps have been taken to eliminate the malware. The company warns that all customers should change their passwords as a precautionary measure, but […]