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Guyana Governmental Entity Hit by DinodasRAT in Cyber Espionage Attack

A governmental entity in Guyana has been targeted as part of a cyber espionage campaign dubbed Operation Jacana. The activity, which was detected by ESET in February 2023, entailed a spear-phishing attack that led to the deployment of a hitherto undocumented implant written in C++ called DinodasRAT. The Slovak cybersecurity firm said it could link […]

Rogue npm Package Deploys Open-Source Rootkit in New Supply Chain Attack

A new deceptive package hidden within the npm package registry has been uncovered deploying an open-source rootkit called r77, marking the first time a rogue package has delivered rootkit functionality. The package in question is node-hide-console-windows, which mimics the legitimate npm package node-hide-console-window in what’s an instance of a typosquatting campaign. It was downloaded 704 […]

Over 3 Dozen Data-Stealing Malicious npm Packages Found Targeting Developers

Nearly three dozen counterfeit packages have been discovered in the npm package repository that are designed to exfiltrate sensitive data from developer systems, according to findings from Fortinet FortiGuard Labs. One set of packages – named @expue/webpack, @expue/core, @expue/vue3-renderer, @fixedwidthtable/fixedwidthtable, and @virtualsearchtable/virtualsearchtable – harbored an obfuscated JavaScript file that’s capable of gathering valuable secrets. This […]

BunnyLoader: New Malware-as-a-Service Threat Emerges in the Cybercrime Underground

Cybersecurity experts have discovered yet another malware-as-a-service (MaaS) threat called BunnyLoader that’s being advertised for sale on the cybercrime underground. “BunnyLoader provides various functionalities such as downloading and executing a second-stage payload, stealing browser credentials and system information, and much more,” Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers Niraj Shivtarkar and Satyam Singh said in an analysis published last […]

Zanubis Android Banking Trojan Poses as Peruvian Government App to Target Users

An emerging Android banking trojan called Zanubis is now masquerading as a Peruvian government app to trick unsuspecting users into installing the malware. “Zanubis’s main infection path is through impersonating legitimate Peruvian Android applications and then tricking the user into enabling the Accessibility permissions in order to take full control of the device,” Kaspersky said […]

FBI Warns of Rising Trend of Dual Ransomware Attacks Targeting U.S. Companies

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning of a new trend of dual ransomware attacks targeting the same victims, at least since July 2023. “During these attacks, cyber threat actors deployed two different ransomware variants against victim companies from the following variants: AvosLocker, Diamond, Hive, Karakurt, LockBit, Quantum, and Royal,” the FBI said […]

Iranian APT Group OilRig Using New Menorah Malware for Covert Operations

Sophisticated cyber actors backed by Iran known as OilRig have been linked to a spear-phishing campaign that infects victims with a new strain of malware called Menorah. “The malware was designed for cyberespionage, capable of identifying the machine, reading and uploading files from the machine, and downloading another file or malware,” Trend Micro researchers Mohamed […]

Cybercriminals Using New ASMCrypt Malware Loader to Fly Under the Radar

Threat actors are selling a new crypter and loader called ASMCrypt, which has been described as an “evolved version” of another loader malware known as DoubleFinger. “The idea behind this type of malware is to load the final payload without the loading process or the payload itself being detected by AV/EDR, etc.,” Kaspersky said in […]

Lazarus Group Impersonates Recruiter from Meta to Target Spanish Aerospace Firm

The North Korea-linked Lazarus Group has been linked to a cyber espionage attack targeting an unnamed aerospace company in Spain in which employees of the firm were approached by the threat actor posing as a recruiter for Meta. “Employees of the targeted company were contacted by a fake recruiter via LinkedIn and tricked into opening […]

GitHub Repositories Hit by Password-Stealing Commits Disguised as Dependabot Contributions

A new deceptive campaign has been observed hijacking GitHub accounts and committing malicious code disguised as Dependabot contributions with an aim to steal passwords from developers. “The malicious code exfiltrates the GitHub project’s defined secrets to a malicious C2 server and modify any existing javascript files in the attacked project with a web-form password-stealer malware […]

China-Linked Budworm Targeting Middle Eastern Telco and Asian Government Agencies

Government and telecom entities have been subjected to a new wave of attacks by a China-linked threat actor tracked as Budworm using an updated malware toolset. The intrusions, targeting a Middle Eastern telecommunications organization and an Asian government, took place in August 2023, with the adversary deploying an improved version of its SysUpdate toolkit, the […]

New ZenRAT Malware Targeting Windows Users via Fake Password Manager Software

A new malware strain called ZenRAT has emerged in the wild that’s distributed via bogus installation packages of the Bitwarden password manager. “The malware is specifically targeting Windows users and will redirect people using other hosts to a benign web page,” enterprise security firm Proofpoint said in a technical report. “The malware is a modular […]

ShadowSyndicate: A New Cybercrime Group Linked to 7 Ransomware Families

Cybersecurity experts have shed light on a new cybercrime group known as ShadowSyndicate (formerly Infra Storm) that may have leveraged as many as seven different ransomware families over the past year. “ShadowSyndicate is a threat actor that works with various ransomware groups and affiliates of ransomware programs,” Group-IB and Bridewell said in a joint technical […]

Deadglyph: New Advanced Backdoor with Distinctive Malware Tactics

Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a previously undocumented advanced backdoor dubbed Deadglyph employed by a threat actor known as Stealth Falcon as part of a cyber espionage campaign. “Deadglyph’s architecture is unusual as it consists of cooperating components – one a native x64 binary, the other a .NET assembly,” ESET said in a new report shared […]

New Variant of Banking Trojan BBTok Targets Over 40 Latin American Banks

An active malware campaign targeting Latin America is dispensing a new variant of a banking trojan called BBTok, particularly users in Brazil and Mexico. “The BBTok banker has a dedicated functionality that replicates the interfaces of more than 40 Mexican and Brazilian banks, and tricks the victims into entering its 2FA code to their bank […]

The Rise of the Malicious App

Security teams are familiar with threats emanating from third-party applications that employees add to improve their productivity. These apps are inherently designed to deliver functionality to users by connecting to a “hub” app, such as Salesforce, Google Workspace, or Microsoft 365. Security concerns center on the permission scopes that are granted to the third party […]

China Accuses U.S. of Decade-Long Cyber Espionage Campaign Against Huawei Servers

China’s Ministry of State Security (MSS) has accused the U.S. of breaking into Huawei’s servers, stealing critical data, and implanting backdoors since 2009, amid mounting geopolitical tensions between the two countries. In a message posted on WeChat, the government authority said U.S. intelligence agencies have “done everything possible” to conduct surveillance, secret theft, and intrusions […]