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This Week in Cybercrime: Mass Transit Surveillance Systems Keep Ears and Eyes on You

In America, transit authorities have installed microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses in various cities including San Francisco, Eugene, Traverse City, Columbus, Hartford, and Athens. That means, now they can listen to every word you say! To add a little more shock, some of these systems have a technology for distinguishing conversations from the background […]

Facebook Taking Aggressive Steps Against The Hackers

When cyber criminals started to attack probably one of the most largest community or business running online i.e. Facebook. A cat mouse game began which meant some defensive measures taken by the online giant. The measures included providing awareness to the members regarding installing updated anti-virus programs to their PC  This anti-virus was, however, developed to […]

7 Million Smartphone Users Vulnerable to Hackers

As we previously pointed out on HackRead that smartphones are probably the biggest form of hacking for the cyber hackers this year, another news from Malaysia have arose regarding the hacking scenarios through smartphone. The Malaysian cyber crime has reported that people nationwide has faced huge losses of money this year from the hands of cyber hackers. […]

Malicious Java applet found in FOREX Trading website

Some unknown hackers have installed a malicious Java applet on an international Forex Trading website, the program is designed to install malware on the visitor’s systems. The program was detected by an internet security company WebSence, which claims that the website [] contained malware till Friday morning and now has been removed. An applet is a small Internet-based program written in Java, a programming […]

Malware Detected on Geo TV Website

A Malware has been detected on Geo Television’s official website  which is Pakistan’s one of the famous private News Channel. founded by Mr. Mir Shakil ur Rehman in May 2002 and owned by Independent Media Corporation. A warning can be seen while opening the main page of Geo Tv’s website. contains malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit […]