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How gamers should secure their accounts from cyber attacks

Gaming is a multi-billion industry that is why it is a lucrative target for cybercriminals as well. Gaming giants on the other hand have resources to protect their cyber infrastructure from cyberattacks but what about naive gamers with no knowledge of cybersecurity? It is a fact that gamers are under constant threat of phishing, malware, […]

EBook – Creating a Large Company Security Stack on a Lean Company Budget

The speed at which malicious actors have improved their attack tactics and continue to penetrate security systems has made going bigger the major trend in cybersecurity. Facing an evolving threat landscape, organizations have responded by building bigger security stacks, adding more tools and platforms, and making their defenses more complex—a new eBook from XDR provider […]

U.S. Recovers $2.3 Million Ransom Paid to Colonial Pipeline Hackers

In a major blow, the U.S. Department of Justice on Monday said it has recovered 63.7 bitcoins (currently valued at $2.3 million) paid by Colonial Pipeline to the DarkSide ransomware extortionists on May 8, pursuant to a seizure warrant that was authorized by the Northern District of California. The ransomware attack also hobbled the pipeline […]

Hackers Breached Colonial Pipeline Using Compromised VPN Password

The ransomware cartel that masterminded the Colonial Pipeline attack early last month crippled the pipeline operator’s network using a compromised virtual private network (VPN) account password, the latest investigation into the incident has revealed. The development, which was reported by Bloomberg on Friday, involved gaining an initial foothold into the networks as early as April […]

Latvian Woman Charged for Her Role in Creating Trickbot Banking Malware

The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Friday charged a Latvian woman for her alleged role as a programmer in a cybercrime gang that helped develop TrickBot malware. The woman in question, Alla Witte, aka Max, 55, who resided in Paramaribo, Suriname, was arrested in Miami, Florida on February 6. Witte has been charged with […]

GitHub Updates Policy to Remove Exploit Code When Used in Active Attacks

Code-hosting platform GitHub Friday officially announced a series of updates to the site’s policies that delve into how the company deals with malware and exploit code uploaded to its service. “We explicitly permit dual-use security technologies and content related to research into vulnerabilities, malware, and exploits,” the Microsoft-owned company said. “We understand that many security […]

ALERT: Critical RCE Bug in VMware vCenter Server Under Active Attack

Malicious actors are actively mass scanning the internet for vulnerable VMware vCenter servers that are unpatched against a critical remote code execution flaw, which the company addressed late last month. The ongoing activity was detected by Bad Packets on June 3 and corroborated yesterday by security researcher Kevin Beaumont. “Mass scanning activity detected from […]

Google Chrome to Help Users Identify Untrusted Extensions Before Installation

Google on Thursday said it’s rolling out new security features to Chrome browser aimed at detecting suspicious downloads and extensions via its Enhanced Safe Browsing feature, which it launched a year ago. To this end, the search giant said it will now offer additional protections when users attempt to install a new extension from the […]

Necro Python Malware Upgrades With New Exploits and Crypto Mining Capabilities

New upgrades have been made to a Python-based “self-replicating, polymorphic bot” called Necro in what’s seen as an attempt to improve its chances of infecting vulnerable systems and evading detection. “Although the bot was originally discovered earlier this year, the latest activity shows numerous changes to the bot, ranging from different command-and-control (C2) communications and […]

Experts Uncover Yet Another Chinese Spying Campaign Aimed at Southeast Asia

An ongoing cyber-espionage operation with suspected ties to China has been found targeting a Southeast Asian government to deploy spyware on Windows systems while staying under the radar for more than three years. “In this campaign, the attackers utilized the set of Microsoft Office exploits and loaders with anti-analysis and anti-debugging techniques to install a […]

Researchers Uncover Hacking Operations Targeting Government Entities in South Korea

A North Korean threat actor active since 2012 has been behind a new espionage campaign targeting high-profile government officials associated with its southern counterpart to install an Android and Windows backdoor for collecting sensitive information. Cybersecurity firm Malwarebytes attributed the activity to a threat actor tracked as Kimsuky, with the targeted entities comprising of the […]

US Seizes Domains Used by SolarWinds Hackers in Cyber Espionage Attacks

Days after Microsoft, Secureworks, and Volexity shed light on a new spear-phishing activity unleashed by the Russian hackers who breached SolarWinds IT management software, the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) Tuesday said it intervened to take control of two command-and-control (C2) and malware distribution domains used in the campaign. The court-authorized domain seizure 1m took […]

Malware Can Use This Trick to Bypass Ransomware Defense in Antivirus Solutions

Researchers have disclosed significant security weaknesses in popular software applications that could be abused to deactivate their protections and take control of allow-listed applications to perform nefarious operations on behalf of the malware to defeat anti-ransomware defenses. The twin attacks, detailed by academics from the University of Luxembourg and the University of London, are aimed […]

Canada Post discloses data breach after malware attack

According to Canada Post, sensitive information of over 950,000 customers and 44 of its large business clients has been exposed in the malware attack. Another day, another data breach. This time, the victim is the Canadian postal agency Canada Post who on Wednesday confirmed in a press release that data of over 950,000 of its customers could […]

5 Top Cybersecurity Threats to Businesses

Cybersecurity threats are unpredictable but taking a closer look at them and implementing proper security measures seems like a wise decision. The technology that we use today comes with a lot of benefits for businesses. For instance, it allows them to get instant feedback from their customers, increase their brand recognition, and reach a larger […]

SolarWinds hackers using NativeZone backdoor against 24 countries

Microsoft has disclosed that the SolarWinds hackers or SolarWinds supply chain attack-fame threat actors are back in action. This time, they are targeting government agencies, consultants, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations across 24 countries. Microsoft’s findings were corroborated by cybersecurity firm Volexity. Research reveals that this time, SolarWinds attackers have singled out NGOs, research institutions, government […]

Researchers Warn of Facefish Backdoor Spreading Linux Rootkits

Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed a new backdoor program capable of stealing user login credentials, device information and executing arbitrary commands on Linux systems. The malware dropper has been dubbed “Facefish” by Qihoo 360 NETLAB team owing its capabilities to deliver different rootkits at different times and the use of Blowfish cipher to encrypt communications to […]

SolarWinds Hackers Target Think Tanks With New ‘NativeZone’ Backdoor

Microsoft on Thursday disclosed that the threat actor behind the SolarWinds supply chain hack returned to the threat landscape to target government agencies, think tanks, consultants, and non-governmental organizations located across 24 countries, including the U.S. “This wave of attacks targeted approximately 3,000 email accounts at more than 150 different organizations,” Tom Burt, Microsoft’s Corporate […]

Chinese Cyber Espionage Hackers Continue to Target Pulse Secure VPN Devices

Cybersecurity researchers from FireEye unmasked additional tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) adopted by Chinese threat actors who were recently found abusing Pulse Secure VPN devices to drop malicious web shells and exfiltrate sensitive information from enterprise networks. FireEye’s Mandiant threat intelligence team, which is tracking the cyber espionage activity under two activity clusters UNC2630 and […]

22 people indicted on malware, credit card fraud charges

The cyberattack actually occurred back in 2016 and 2017 when an individual installed malware on multiple computers of a retail chain, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. In recent news, 22 individuals in the United States were indicted of wire fraud and identity theft after having been caught purchasing and using payment cards that were stolen from […]

Malvertising Campaign On Google Distributed Trojanized AnyDesk Installer

Cybersecurity researchers on Wednesday publicized the disruption of a “clever” malvertising network targeting AnyDesk that delivered a weaponized installer of the remote desktop software via rogue Google ads that appeared in the search engine results pages. The campaign, which is believed to have begun as early as April 21, 2021, involves a malicious file that […]