Browsing tag

man in the middle attack

Google To Ban Embedded Browser Logins To Stop Man-In-The-Middle Attacks

Google will ban logins from embedded browser frameworks, starting June 2019. The reason is the increased risk of phishing hacks using the man-in-the-middle attack. In this exploit, the conversation between the two parties is intercepted by a third unknown entity, who can change its content. Users are most vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks when they login […]

150 Million Xiaomi Devices Vulnerable To A Major Security Flaw

The purpose of security apps is to protect devices and user data. However, Xiaomi’s pre-installed security app did just the opposite and made its smartphones more vulnerable to attacks. The app in question is Xiaomi’s security app, Guard Provider, which uses anti-virus scanners from popular developers like Avast, AVL, and Tencent to scan for the presence of malware. […]

Insecure UC Browser ‘Feature’ Lets Hackers Hijack Android Phones Remotely

Beware! If you are using UC Browser on your smartphones, you should consider uninstalling it immediately. Why? Because the China-made UC Browser contains a “questionable” ability that could be exploited by remote attackers to automatically download and execute code on your Android devices. Developed by Alibaba-owned UCWeb, UC Browser is one of the most popular […]