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Mass Transit Surveillance System

Terrorists Love Using Gmail, says Former CIA and NSA Director

Michael Hayden who is the former director of CIA and NSA gave a speech at the educational forum at Saint John’s Episcopal Church this Sunday.  The topic of discussions at this forum for adult education was the clash between liberty and security. During his speech, he came up with a surprising statement that terrorists all […]

Brazilian President Rousseff cancels state visit to US over NSA’s spying

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has decided to cancel her visit to the U.S. scheduled for October 23 against the NSA’s spying over Brazilian government. U.S. President Barack Obama called the Brazilian president yesterday in a failed attempt to avoid the cancellation of the Brazilian state visit next month. The cancellation decision was also finalize on […]

Snowden Leaks: Top-secret document shows NSA shares Personal Details of U.S citizens with Israel

The National Security Agency (NSA) shares first hand intelligence with Israel without omitting personal details of U.S citizens, shows top-secret document handing over by Edward Snowden to The Guardian Newspaper. Document shows that US government handed over intercepted communications likely to contain phone calls and emails of American citizens. The details are shared under an […]

Israeli company ‘Verint’ to win Indian mass cyber surveillance contract

An Israeli based internet surveillance company ‘Verint Systems‘ is all set to win a contract from Department of Telecommunications, government of India to assist it with encrypted internet communications services such as Skype, Hotmail, Gmail and Research In Motion’s BlackBerry (RIM) amid growing cyber security concerns in the country. EconomicTimes reports that a team of Verint  Systems met Indian communications minister Kapil Sibal in […]

Microsoft allowed NSA to Spy on Skype and Outlook

Microsoft has collaborated extensively with the intelligence services of the United States to allow users’ communications details. The company even helped the NSA (National Security Agency) to break their own encryption system, according to documents cited Wednesday in the British newspaper “Guardian”. Data leaked by Edward Snowden illustrate the scale of cooperation between companies in […]

This Week in Cybercrime: Mass Transit Surveillance Systems Keep Ears and Eyes on You

In America, transit authorities have installed microphone-enabled surveillance systems on public buses in various cities including San Francisco, Eugene, Traverse City, Columbus, Hartford, and Athens. That means, now they can listen to every word you say! To add a little more shock, some of these systems have a technology for distinguishing conversations from the background […]