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Meltdown and Spectre protection

Systems Using Intel Processors Vulnerable To SWAPGS Attack

A speculative execution vulnerability has been discovered by BitDefender researchers in systems running Intel modems built since 2012. SWAPGS vulnerability allows a malware-ridden program to access the computer’s kernel memory. This, in turn, allows the hacker to read sensitive data such as passwords, chat messages, e-mails, payment information and more. At the BlackHat conference 2019, […]

How To Protect Your PC And Phones From Meltdown And Spectre CPU Flaws?

After initial reports of Intel screwing up big time in the form of massive security flaws, it was later released that the problem is bigger and it affects CPUs from AMD and ARM as well. The flaws being talked about here are Meltdown and Spectre, and they affect almost all devices produced in the last […]