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Michigan State University

DeepMasterPrints Developed To Access Smartphones Via Hacking

Researchers at New York University and Michigan State University have invented new artificial fingerprints, which they call DeepMasterPrints for hacking fingerprint sensor-enabled smartphones. According to a report by CNBC, the fake fingerprints, with the help of machine learning double as a ‘Masterkey’ to access one out of three smartphones which come with fingerprint scanners. The […]

Michigan State University hacked, personal information leaked online

The young hacker Mys7erioN announced to have hacked into the database of a US organization, the Michigan State University. Data leaked online. Today I was contacted via Twitter by Mys7erioN who revealed me to have hacked into the database of a US organization, the Michigan State University. As proof of the hack, Mys7erioN published on Pastebin  the records […]