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Microsoft Build 2019

Windows 10 To Soon Ship With Full Linux Kernel

On Fossbytes, we keep covering different developments that have the power to change the course of open source software evolution and adoption of the Linux operating system. Microsoft’s love affair with Linux is a continuous development that keeps drawing the attention of open source enthusiasts who are skeptical of Redmond’s intentions. If we ignore the […]

Microsoft Edge Updated With IE Support, Privacy Options, and Collections

Microsoft Edge will now include legacy support for older websites within it for easy usage. Furthermore, the company also announced Collections, improved privacy settings, support for enterprise and a preview of Fluid Framework for the Chromium-based browser – Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge Legacy Support According to Microsoft, almost 60% of businesses still rely on legacy […]

Microsoft Build 2019 Event Roundup: Here Are The Biggest Announcements

Microsoft has announced a bunch of new features and services at the annual Build 2019 Developer Conference. Besides the Windows 10 operating system, which obviously remains the center of attention, other important announcements were made such as the much awaited Chromium-based Internet Explorer browser, new Windows Terminal, an online code editor, open sourcing of development kits, […]

Microsoft Launches Open Source Voting Platform To Make Voting Transparent

It’s election time in India and being an Indian, reading headlines mentioning faulty Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) is common these days. Many countries still follow ballot paper voting as there exists no standard voting platform. Microsoft wants to change it. At its annual developer event in Seattle, Microsoft has announced ElectionGuard – an open source […]

Microsoft Announces New Windows Terminal And Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL)

Microsoft has announced a string of new features and services that are focused on developers at its annual Build 2019 Developer Conference. It goes without saying that Windows 10 operating system got its share of attention and the company announced some interesting features for developers who use Windows as their development platform. Starting with a new […]

Microsoft Unveils Visual Studio Online: A Web-Based Code Editor #Build2019

Microsoft Build, the annual developer conference, kicked off today in Seattle with several new announcements for the year. Among the major highlights of the event, Microsoft announced ‘Visual Studio Online,’ an online code editor for developers. The company is pitching Visual Studio Online as a companion to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. The online editor is […]

Microsoft Open Sources Its Quantum Computing Developer Kit On GitHub #Build2019

Microsoft has been working on quantum computing for a long time. The company has been building tools to help developers in boosting quantum computing. Previously, the company has already rolled Q#, a domain-specific programming language for writing quantum codes, a compiler for compiling quantum codes and a quantum simulator. All these tools are a part […]