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Warning: Microsoft Outlook App for iOS Harms Your Corporate Security

A developer claims that the newly launched Outlook app for iOS breaks your companies security for mobile PIM access on many levels. This was claim about the Microsoft app, which was released this Thursday, was made by René Winkelmeyer. The company released this email management and cloud-based app after its Acompli buyout, which helped Microsoft […]

Microsoft fixes security flaw in Windows that existed for 19 years

Microsoft has released an emergency update on Tuesday to patch a security flaw in the Windows operating system (that remained unnoticed for 19 years). Amazingly, this vulnerability was present in every version of Windows including Windows 95 to Windows 8, allowing hackers to take control of any computer remotely whenever a user visits a malicious website. […]

How To Shutdown A Computer With A Cell Phone.

Using this method, a user can shutdown, restart, hibernate, etc. his or her computer, just by sending an email from his or her phone. To do this, all you will need is Microsoft Outlook which should come with Microsoft Office, which most people have. This will need to be on the computer wish you wish […]

Windows 10 Technical Preview: A Spy in Disguise?

Windows 10 Technical Preview (TP), a trial version released last week, collects and transmits lots of user data to Microsoft, according to a report published in the Forbes. The daily�referred it as �jaw dropping level of invasion.� Microsoft announces in its privacy policy the kind of information it will be collecting from the users who […]

R.I.P MSN Messenger :(

It’s time to say good bye to once the best instant messaging platform MSN Messenger (also known as Windows Live Messenger). Microsoft started shutting down MSN Messenger globally in April 2013 and it will be completely vanished from the Internet on October 31st 2014. Messenger is only available in mainland China until then. For anyone who grew up in the […]

Microsoft Warning: MS Word Has Been Hacked, Do not open ‘.RTF’ Files

Microsoft has issued a warning about a possible hacking attempt through an RTF exploit code, according to its official blog.  The latest hacking attacks, known as “Cringent” or “Power Worm” uses the cloud technologies to target its victims. The exploit code, instead of creating executable code, uses certified technologies such as Windows PowerShell, Google DNS […]

The Official Microsoft Blog and Twitter account Hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

The Pro – Assad hackers from Syrian Electronic Army have hacked the official blog and verified Twitter account of Microsoft. A bad start of a new year for Microsoft when yesterday its official verified Twitter account got hacked and today company’s blog came under attack by high profile hackers from Syrian Electronic Army. The hackers managed to […]

Stop Spying on People says Syrian Electronic Army after hacking Skype’s Blog, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Pro Bashar Ul Assad hackers from Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) had hacked the official blog, Facebook and Twitter account of instant messaging client Skype yesterday. After hacking the Twitter account, SEA started tweeting against Micosoft’s Skype, asking them to stop spying on people. One of the tweet from hacked Twitter of skype said that:  While on the […]

Microsoft takes over Nokia’s Cell Phone Business in $ 7 Billion: what will be the effect on Microsoft’s shares and revenues?

Microsoft Corporation has entered into a $7 Billion agreement with Nokia purchasing its cell phones and devices business. The deal which will meet its completion by the end of 2014’s first quarter was officially announced via a press release on 3rd September 2013. Under the terms that have been stipulated in the agreement, Microsoft will […]

Microsoft allowed NSA to Spy on Skype and Outlook

Microsoft has collaborated extensively with the intelligence services of the United States to allow users’ communications details. The company even helped the NSA (National Security Agency) to break their own encryption system, according to documents cited Wednesday in the British newspaper “Guardian”. Data leaked by Edward Snowden illustrate the scale of cooperation between companies in […]

Mircosoft to Fix Some Critical Vulnerabilities by Tuesday

Microsoft has found seven vulnerabilities in its programs and has deemed of them critical. The critical are so serious that officials have said: “drop-everything-and-fix-this-now”. These loop holes are found in the following programs: Microsoft office, Windows, Internet explorer, Windows server and Silverlight. While commenting on the type attacks lay down through vulnerabilities the officials said […]

Samsung Series 5 Ultra Touch Laptop Review

Samsung series 5 ultra touch is the first windows 8 ultrabook laptop. It’s a wonderful laptop, which is the first one specifically designed for Microsoft’s new operating system i.e. Windows 8. The laptop isn’t as aerodynamic as the series 9’s laptops, but, it’s not more less then it. It has an aluminum and fiberglass exterior and is really thin […]