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Critical Bug:Single MMS Can Crash Message application On IOS

A solitary instant message could be abused to impair the Messages application on any iPhone because of an as of late found bug. The bug defect makes the Apple Message application inoperable, making it difficult to pursue instant messages or iMessages. The defect is not kidding, the application will keep on crashing inspite of when […]

Google patches critical vulnerabilities in Android

The flaws can be exploited remotely through emails, Web pages, MMS and rogue apps. Google has released a new batch of security fixes for its Nexus smartphones and tablets, addressing flaws that could allow attackers to compromise the Android devices via rogue emails, Web pages, and MMS messages. Firmware updates are being rolled out to supported […]

Android Stagefright Exploit Code Released to Public

Joshua Drake, the researcher who found the so-called Stagefright vulnerability in Android, today released exploit code to the public, which he hopes will be used to test systems’ exposure to the flaw. The move comes more than a month after vulnerability details were released in August during presentations at the Black Hat and DEF CON […]