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MS Office Documents

Hackers Using Macro-Less Approach to Steal Victims Password Through Office Documents

Hackers use macros in Microsoft Office documents to distribute malicious scripts and it will be executed once the user opens the document such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. With Microsoft office, Dynamic Data Exchange(DDE) used to exchange data between application and attackers using this in wild to execute malicious scripts and to compromise victims. Security […]

Lazarus Hacking Group Delivering RATANKBA Malware & Remote Hacking Tool Via MS Office Documents

Lazarus Hacking group Spreading Weaponized RATANKBA Malware and sophisticated hacking tools via Microsoft office documents that could mainly affect the cryptocurrencies. The Lazarus Hacking group has had multiple operations over the years around 2014-2016, most of which involve either disruption, sabotage, financial theft or espionage. RATANKBA is used by this cyberespionage Campaign for targeting financial institutions […]