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.NET Ransomware

This Ransomware Improves Your PC’s Performance. Initially.

We recently told you about the highly dangerous Lockergoga Virus, which caused Havoc in the industrial complexes. Well, there is a new malware called vxCrypter ransomware in the digital space and it will encrypt your files along and ‘improve’ your PC’s performance. Vccrypter is based on an unfinished, old ransomware called vxLock that utilized Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman or RSA […]

A newly detected Ransomware called Retis

A security researcher has discovered a ransomware called Retis,  which is a ransomware-type virus that secretly infiltrates the system. Shortly after executed, RETIS encrypts most saved data and adds filenames with the “.crypted” extension. It is a .NET ransomware, so its source code can be easily viewed. When the malware executed it will first target […]