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U.S. Government Wants to Send Edward Snowden to Prison, Rejects Pardon Request

(Credit: Reuters/Bobby Yip) Short Bytes : The White House has rejected a petition with more than 167,000 signatures to pardon whistleblower Edward Snowden. In an official statement, it was said that Snowden should come back to the U.S. to face consequences of his actions. Rejecting the pardon request, the U.S. government has called actions “dangerous.” […]

Pakistan’s ISI Plans to Tap International Undersea Cables, Rivals the NSA, GCHQ

The most powerful intelligence and spy agency of Pakistan, specifically Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), has now planned to tap all the Internet traffic that is entering or travelling through the international undersea cables passing through the country’s southern port city of Karachi. For those of you who don’t know, every government seems to be interested in […]

HORNET: Tor-like Anonymity Network With Superfast Speeds

The Deep Web is a place that is hidden from the ordinary world because the browsers used to access the Deep Web, continuously encrypt user data. Due to this constant data encryption, the browsing speeds are slow. Our beloved Tor network has more than 2 million daily users that slow down its performance. To counter this speed issue, […]

Edward Snowden Tells How to Build an Internet Focused on Privacy

When someone like Edward Snowden, tells you how to make an internet focused on privacy and user welfare, you listen, and you listen attentively. This former CIA employee and NSA contractor is known for his whistleblowing works and defacing the USA government. After that, from time to time, he has shared his views on issues […]

NSA Open Sources its Linux-based Cyber Security Tool

The American security Agency NSA is infamous for its mass surveillance programs. Every alternate day, we are greeted with new revelations regarding its policies and tools being used to track people. Recently, it was announced that NSA will be continuing its phone spying program for another six months. Putting aside the numerous allegations, NSA has open […]

XKEYSCORE: NSA’s Search Engine to Hack Into Your Lives is as Simple as Google

We all know NSA is powerful. Getting into your email accounts and accessing all the private information that include your pictures, voice calls, private webcam photos (dick picks too), your passwords and they can even watch your Skype sessions just by typing your name and email address. And this is just the beginning. No one knows […]

Exclusive: Minds Founder Talks Transparency, Security, Anonymous and Evolution

Remember those rumors about Anonymous hacktivists creating their own social media? Well, they aren’t! However, some privacy advocates are indeed working on a platform dedicated to protecting your privacy and they have called it Over the past couple of years, online privacy has become one of the major concerns among Internet users throughout the world. The issues […]

Bad News: NSA Resuming US Mass Surveillance for Another 6 Months

If you were busy celebrating the fact that the Patriot Act will bring an end to NSA’s mass surveillance, you should take a minute and wait for another 180 days. The National Security Agency yesterday reported that the federal court has granted it the permission to restart the bulk collection of Americans’ phone call records. […]

NSA Hacked Kaspersky Labs and Other Anti-virus Software to Track Users

According to the latest documents revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency (NSA) and its British counterpart, Government Communications (GCHQ) Headquarters have reverse engineered the popular security firm Kaspersky Lab and other security solutions providing companies. The US and British spy agencies have launched this attack on the anti-virus companies since 2008 […]

Is Anonymous Trying to Create its own Social Network?

Facebook’s current rival apparently being backed by the famous hacker group Anonymous. A new social network is hoping to surpass Facebook and other prominent social media giants in popularity, which is not news at all. However, the fact that this new social network is being backed by none other than the online hacktivist Anonymous is definitely big […]

Anti-US Govt Surveillance Website by Microsoft Hacked

Microsoft, just like all other software companies, constantly asks its customers to update their applications on their computers to remain fully secure from hackers who could exploit old vulnerabilities. However, in the rush to convince its customers for doing so, Microsoft forgot to update its own servers. Reportedly, the website that was developed for helping […]

Microsoft’s Website to Fight Government Surveillance Just Got Hacked

Microsoft’s dedicated website to fight the US government surveillance and privacy breachings has just been hacked. While Microsoft is aiming to bring improved security features to the users in Windows 10, it looks like the company forgot to secure its own systems. The website named Digital Constitution was launched in 2013 by the Redmond just […]

Canada’s New Anti-Terror Bill C-51 will Ruin Internet Privacy

Canada approves anti-terror law C-51 that weakens Internet privacy – NDP-Liberal coalition may get triggered as a result warn conservative critics. At a time when the US government is trying to curb its spying activities, at its northern border the opposite is happening. Reportedly, Canadian Senate has approved the controversial Bill C-51. In an open […]

Amnesty Launches “Don’t Punish Edward Snowden” Campaign

The Amnesty International (United Kingdom) launched an online petition in support of ex-NSA spy and now a whistleblower Mr. Edward Snowden, urging people from around the world to help the organization reach 20,000 signatures. The Justice For Edward Snowden petition asks US President Barack Obama not to punish Snowden for exposing human rights abuses conducted […]

Edward Snowden is a hero, I like what he did: Actor Vince Vaughn

The 45-year old entertainer Vince Vaughn says that Snowden is a “hero” and guns should be allowed in public places and schools. According to famous actor Vince Vaughn, “Edward Snowden is a hero.” Vaughn believes that the ex-NSA contractor and government whistleblower “gave information to American people.” While giving an interview to the British magazine […]

New Laws Force Google, Snapchat, WhatsApp to share chats with GCHQ

Summary: New surveillance laws will be formed to force the leading Internet firms such as Apple, Facebook and Google to hand over encrypted messages from supposed terrorists. Reportedly, all the internet bigwigs will now have to provide access to encrypted conversations from criminals and suspected terrorists to British spying agencies MI5, MI6 and GCHQ. This plan […]

NSA Prepares to SHUT DOWN Mass Phone Tracking Program

As a result of a midnight session, the American Senate has voted down the USA Freedom Act- the basis of NSA’s mass surveillance programs. Without its renewal, the National Security Agency won’t be able to collect the bulk phone records of the people. During the session, the Senate debated to reach a consensus to reform […]

NSA Planned To Hack Google App Store And Install Malware On All Android Apps

As per the latest documents provided by Edward Snowden, the NSA developed a program called IRRITANT HORN for delivering malware via Samsung and Google app stores. Edward Snowden has exposed another plan of the National Security Agency/NSA in which the agency had devised a program for spreading malware by intercepting web traffic across mobile application […]

US House Votes to end NSA’ bulk phone data collection

The USA Freedom Act was passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday and the bill, which is going to change the way NSA gathers nation’s cellular data, now will be forwarded to Senate. The United States House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted in favor of the USA Freedom Act with 338 votes favoring it and […]

Police can Grab cell phone records without Warrant, Court Rules

Federal Appeals Court rules that citizens shouldn’t have any “expectation of privacy” when a third-party firm has access to data as sensitive as cell phone records. The United States Court of Appeals in its recent session decided that police will not have to show a warrant in order to collect cell phone records from carriers. […]