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Nuclear Reactor

Pay Ransom or Secret Data on South Korean Nuke Reactors Will Be Leaked: Hacker

An individual seems to be threatening the South Korean government with the confidential information associated with the country’s power plants and says that if the monetary demands are not met, the information will be released. The Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP) is being victimized by being attacked in December 2014. The group of attackers, […]

South Korean nuclear operator hacked, personal data, blueprints leaked

Unknown hackers have hacked the computer systems of South Korea’s nuclear plant operator and leaked noncritical data claim the officials. The targeted institution was Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power (KHNP), where latest designs and manuals of two reactors, personal details of over 10,000 workers, flow charts and estimates of radiation exposure among local residents were leaked. At the moment […]