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open source smartwatch

Bangle.js — A Hackable Smartwatch Powered By Google’s TensorFlow

The world of smartwatches is ruled mostly by the likes of Apple Watch and WearOS-based devices. But we have seen a few attempts from the open-source community, including PineTime and AsteroidOS. Now, the tech world has got something new to play with — an open-source hackable smartwatch called Bangle.js. It’s co-developed by NearForm Research and […]

This Person Made A DIY Smartwatch From Scratch And It’s Amazing!

The smartwatch segment seems to have hit rock bottom as not many exciting ones are getting launched. Therefore, trying to build a smartwatch in accordance with the needs, a guy made one from scratch and I am simply amazed. A guy named Samson March (who is an electrical engineer) decided to build his own smartwatch […]