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operative framework

Operative Framework – Open Source Intelligence Gathering Tool

The Operative Framework tool can be used within a red team/social engineering engagement to collect information regarding websites and enterprises.  The tool is capable of finding useful information, such as employees, Linkedin profiles, Emails, subdomains, Whois information, reverse ip lookup information, database file information and much more. Furthermore, one can set a fingerprinting campaign for […]

Operative – The Fingerprint Framework

This is a framework based on fingerprint action, this tool is used for get information on website or enterprise target   pip install -r requirements.txt python core/modules/cms_gathering core/modules/domain_search core/modules/email_to_domain core/modules/https_gathering core/modules/linkedin_search core/modules/reverse_ipdomain core/modules/search_db core/modules/waf_gathering core/modules/whois_domain core/modules/generate_email core/modules/viadeo_search import database in core/dbs/ read table read columns search information with pattern Download now – Operative Framework