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#OpUSA: 1062 Websites Hacked by Charaf Anons from Algeria

Famous hacker from Algeria going with the handle of Charaf Anons has hacked and defaced 1062 websites from all over the world for Opersation USA (#Op:USA). Hacker left a deface page along with a simple message on all hacked websites, displaying Islamic prayer on the index page of targeted websites. “Hacked by Charaf Anons, There is […]

#OpUSA: 700 Websites Hacked by AnonGhost Team

The AnonGhost Team has contributed in the Operation USA by hacking and defaced more then 700 websites from all around the world. All sites are left with different deface pages along with messages against the governments of the world, criticizing their role in ongoing wars and unrest. The list of hacked sites mostly include high profile […]

#OpUSA: Hackers Claim to Leak 40,000 Facebook accounts for #OpUSA

#OpUSA Hackers Claim to Leak 40,000 Facebook accounts for #OpUSA Different hackers from all over the world are conducting operation against the government of United States by the name of #OpUSA, for this operation famous hacker going with the handle of Mauritania Attacker has claimed to have hacked and leaked 40,000 Facebook accounts today.  The hacker who […]