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NIST Cybersecurity Framework For Organizations To Follow

The National Institute of Standards and Framework for Cyber Security Framework (CSF) was released in February 2014 in response to the residential Executive Order 13636, which recommended a standard security framework for critical infrastructure. The NIST CSF is recognized by many as a resource to enhance the security and management operations of public and private […]

Three out of four employees represent a security risk for organizations in US

The investigation also concluded that employees in management job posts show worse handling of malicious mails than employees in low and middle posts Despite significant efforts deployed by many American organizations to raise awareness among their employees on information security issues, a recent research shows that many areas are still to be strengthened. According to […]

How Is The British Government Revamping Its Take On Cybersecurity?

The U.K.’s government has recently come up with a new plan regarding the implementation of the 2016-2021 National Cyber Security Strategy (NCSS). Described as a “consultation on creating the environment to develop the cybersecurity profession in the U.K.,” the process ends on August 31, 2018. The Consultation Description explains, “In the National Cybersecurity Strategy, published […]

Silence – a new Trojan attacking financial organizations

In September 2017, we discovered a new targeted attack on financial institutions. Victims are mostly Russian banks but we also found infected organizations in Malaysia and Armenia. The attackers were using a known but still very effective technique for cybercriminals looking to make money: gaining persistent access to an internal banking network for a long […]