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Vault 7 Leaks : CIA Malware “OutlawCountry” Controls Linux Machine and Redirect the Victims Traffic into CIA Controlled Machine – WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks Revealed another Secret Document of  CIA Malware called “OutlawCountry” that targets Linux Running Machines which Control and Redirect all outbound network traffic on the target computer to CIA controlled machines. Few days Before WikiLeaks Revealed anather CIA Malware Called “ELSA” have an ability to Tracking Geo-Location information of Wi-Fi enabled Windows OS. According to Leaked Document  […]

OutlawCountry: CIA’s Hacking Tool For Linux Computers Revealed

Short Bytes: Another day, another CIA hacking tool reveal. Wikileaks has published fresh documents that deal with the CIA’s hacking and spying on Linux machines using a malware strain called OutlawCountry. This tool consists of a kernel module that creates invisible netfilter table for creating new rules with iptables command. This way the operator is able […]