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161 Indian Websites hacked by Pak Cyber Pyrates

Pak Cyber Pyrates have hacked over 200 Indian websites, leaving their deface page on all of the websites. Websites were hacked for Kashmir cause, according to PCP. Links of hacked websites: Hacked By Cyb3r0ck3r & No-Swear WE ARE: Cyb3r0ck3r NoSwear BraveWIKI XXx_Death_xXX MINDY Shadow008 D3V!L-3Y3 Alert : !!Security Take Down!! A Message For You: Kashmir […]

Over 400 Indian websites hacked Pak Cyber Pyrates for OpFreedom Palestine & Kashmir

Pak Cyber Pyrates have hacked and defaced over 400 Indian websites for ongoing  OpFreedom Palestine & Kashmir. All the websites were successfully defaced by the hackers, leaving behind their deface page with a message to the Indian and Israeli governments. Complete list of hacked websites is given below: index.phpindex.php index.php index.php index.phpindex.php index.phpindex.phpindex.php […]

Indian Porn Server hacked by Pak Cyber Pyrates

Pak Cyber Pyrates from Pakistan have hacked over 130 porn websites from India. Hackers left their deface page on the hacked porn websites. For complete list of hacked websites click here ,there are about 130 porn websites on the server which are taken down by PCP for good.