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pentest tool

Kaboom – Script That Automates The Penetration Test

Kaboom is a script that automates the penetration test. It performs several tasks for each phases of pentest: Information gathering [nmap-unicornscan] TCP scan UDP scan Vulnerability assessment [nmap-nikto-dirb-searchsploit-msfconsole] It tests several services: smb ssh snmp smtp ftp tftp ms-sql mysql rdp http https and more…It finds the CVEs and then searchs them on exploit-db or […]

Nozes – Automate Your Pentest Attacks In One Click

Nozes is a Pentest cmd manager. You can automate your pentest attacks in one click and get results.   System Requirements httpd server with TLS/SSL SQLite3 php5 and php5-sqlite and PDO driver of sqlite nginx + php + fastcgi   Step 1: Enter the following command on your terminal to download and install nozes tool. […]