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Quantum Computing

Researchers Build Transistor-Like ‘Quantum Gates’ Using Qudits

Quantum computing is a promising field but not much progress has been made until now. The reason behind this is the unstable nature of qubits – the basic unit of quantum computing. To overcome this bottleneck, researchers from Purdue University have built a transistor-like gate or a quantum version of a transistor using Qudits. While […]

Intel’s New Tool Will Speed Up Quantum Computing Developments

Intel announced the very first Cryogenic Wafer Prober, that is used to validate and test qubits used for quantum computing. The wafer prober is a first of its kind tool that could potentially revolutionize the testing and information collection process of qubits. Reported first by Business Wire, the tool is specifically designed to speed up the development of […]

First Commercial Quantum Computer From IBM Features An Awe Inspiring Design

With CES 2019 underway, IBM has unveiled the world’s first commercial quantum computing system Q System One. Visually, it’s nothing less than a piece of art. Q System One lays the foundation of IBM’s plans to make quantum computing systems a commercial reality. Last year IBM showcased a 50-qubit quantum computer at CES, but it was […]

Microsoft Open Sources “Quantum Katas” To Teach You Quantum Computing For Free

Microsoft has expressed its belief in the past that quantum computing could change our tech industry forever. The company has already started contributing its share in the development. Last, Microsoft launched its quantum programming language called Q#. Now, it’s again in the news with the new open source project called Quantum Katas designed to “teach you […]