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Quantum Physics

Scientists Capture First-Ever Image Of Quantum Entanglement

Albert Einstein, the famous physicist, described quantum entanglement as “spooky action at a distance.” The phenomenon is said to occur when two particles interact and enter a stage where whatever happens to one particle immediately affects the other particle regardless of the distance between them. Physicists at the University of Glasgow, Scotland have achieved an […]

Quantum Particles Found Exhibiting Immortality Through “Infinite Decay And Rebirth”

We know that the rule “nothing lasts forever” holds true for everything. But the world of quantum particles doesn’t always seem to follow the rules. In the latest findings, scientists have observed that quasiparticles in quantum systems could be virtually immortal. These particles can regenerate themselves after they have decayed — and this can have […]

Scientists Find A Way To Make Super Efficient “Quantum” Storage Drives

According to a study, by 2020 about 1.7 megabytes of data will be generated every second for every human on the earth. With such a humongous amount of data in circulation, we need storage drives that are highly efficient. However, the contemporary storage disk drives are based on decades-old technology. A breakthrough research has been […]