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ransomware checklist

Robinhood Ransomware Borrow Vulnerable Driver To Kill Antivirus and Encrypt Windows System Files

Researchers observed a new ransomware family called “Robinhood” that using a digitally signed vulnerable driver to bypass the protection by killing files belonging to endpoint security products, bypassing tamper protection and antivirus software to encrypt the system files. Attackers using the Living off the Land technique for this ransomware attack to destructive file encryption portion […]

FBI Released Master Decryption Key for All Version of GandCrab Ransomware

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released master decryption keys for all the version ( 4, 5, 5.0.4, 5.1, and 5.2 ) of Notorious GandCrab ransomware which can be used for both organization or individual. Gandcrab ransomware initially spotted in January 2018, and it is one of the most sophisticated ransomware which causes billion’s dollar […]

Ransomware Attack Response and Mitigation Checklist

Ransomware is one of the fast Growing threat in the worldwide and its considered as a leader of Global cyber attack in recent days which cause some dangerous issues and loss in many organizations and individuals. Here is the Ransomware Checklist for Attack Response and Mitigation. The ransomware is a turnkey business for some criminals, and victims […]