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ransomware protection

Best Ransomware Protection

Ransomware attacks targeting governments, businesses, hospitals, and private individuals are rising. It has become a vast online issue that affects individuals and businesses alike. You are neither safe on your private nor public network, as ransomware can encrypt your files and hold them hostage. As a result, you have to pay ransom to unlock them.  […]

How to Protect Against Ransomware?

You must have heard about cyber attackers who kidnap your data to extort money. This malicious software or ransomware locks out your device, denies access to file by encrypting it. If you are curious to know everything about ransomware protection, you are on the right page! We will briefly tell you about ransomware’s vicious origin […]

11 Tips to protect yourself against Ransomware

Ransomware can be very scary – the encrypted files can essentially be considered damaged beyond repair. But if you have properly prepared your system, it is really nothing more than a nuisance. Here are a few tips that will help you keep ransomware from wrecking your day 1. Back up your data The single biggest […]