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Ransomware attack disrupts Metro Vancouver’s payment systems

The payments systems remained ineffective for three days after the ransomware attack, but payment data is safe, claims TransLink. TransLink, the agency that manages the transit system of Metro Vancouver, has become the latest victim of a ransomware attack. According to reports, the Metro’s payment systems were targeted by Egregor ransomware operators, after which the […]

5 Biggest Ransomware Attacks of All Time

Cybersecurity threats, and in particular ransomware attacks, are facts of life and daily occurrences in an increasingly digital economy. The more commercial activity takes place via the internet and using hardware and software that interfaces with the web, the more vulnerable a business is to the depredations of malicious actors. Interestingly, most of the largest […]

Hackers Exploit SonicWall Zero-Day Bug in FiveHands Ransomware Attacks

An “aggressive” financially motivated threat group tapped into a zero-day flaw in SonicWall VPN appliances prior to it being patched by the company to deploy a new strain of ransomware called FIVEHANDS. The group, tracked by cybersecurity firm Mandiant as UNC2447, took advantage of an “improper SQL command neutralization” flaw in the SSL-VPN SMA100 product […]

REvil ransomware gang hits Apple supplier Quanta; warns of data leak

REvil ransomware gang claims to be negotiating with 3rd-parties to sell the alleged stolen data. The infamous REvil ransomware gang (also known as Sodinokibi) is back in action and this time its alleged victim is Quanta Computer Inc., a Taiwan-based manufacturer of notebook computers and other electronic hardware. In a post published by the REvil […]

Hackers Threaten to Leak D.C. Police Informants’ Info If Ransom Is Not Paid

The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) of the District of Columbia has become the latest high-profile government agency to fall victim to a ransomware attack. The Babuk Locker gang claimed in a post on the dark web that they had compromised the DC Police’s networks and stolen 250 GB of unencrypted files. Screenshots shared by the […]

Hackers Exploit Unpatched VPNs to Install Ransomware on Industrial Targets

Unpatched Fortinet VPN devices are being targeted in a series of attacks against industrial enterprises in Europe to deploy a new strain of ransomware called “Cring” inside corporate networks. At least one of the hacking incidents led to the temporary shutdown of a production site, said cybersecurity firm Kaspersky in a report published on Wednesday, […]

Infamous Maze Ransomware Operators Shuts Down Operations

Maze ransomware, one of the most dangerous and potent strains of Windows ransomware that have hit companies and organizations around the world and demanded a payment in cryptocurrency in exchange for a safe recovery of encrypted data, has now officially announced the shutting down of its operations on its website on the dark web. Though […]

Operator Behind the Most Infamous GandCrab Ransomware Arrested in Belarus

Law enforcement agencies from Great Britain and Romania Cyber division have identified one of the operators behind the infamous GandCrab Ransomware attack. The Man who has been arrested was an affiliate with GandCrab developers and responsible for the infection and earning commission for each ransom payments. GandCrab ransomware attack was a high profile cybercrime, and […]

How Does Ransomware Work?

Ransomware is an ever-increasing cyber threat, which has become a troublesome issue. Although the malware has seen a decline the past year, it has again escalated at the same pace.    No one is immune to ransomware, either you or someone in your circle has been a victim of this malicious software. Ransomware installs itself […]

What is Ransomware Attack?

Oops! Your files are encrypted! Pay the ransom. Well, did you ever saw these words flash on your screen? If no, you must be thankful for this. When this happens to you, you may be perplexed about what has happened to your computer. A simple explanation to your baffling is that your files are encrypted […]

What Is Ransomware? Know All About It

Ransomware is a waking nightmare about locking and encrypting your valuable files by malware. You need to pay off a nice chunk of money to an anonymous cybercriminal to regain access to your information, or at times you may not have access either way. When it comes to what is ransomware and ransomware attacks, it […]

REvil Ransomware 2.2 Released – Now Encrypts Open and Locked Files

REvil Ransomware also known as Sodinokibi observed wild at the end of April 2019. The REvil ransomware is a part of Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) where a set of people maintain the source code and other affiliate groups distribute the ransomware. Researchers believe that REvil and GandCrab ransomware are similar, since the emergence of REvil, GandCrab activity […]

Beware of Android Coronavirus Tracker app that Lock’s Your Device & Asks Ransom Payment

Cybercriminals using the Coronavirus outbreak to trick users into installing malicious corona virus-related apps. In the current panic, situation users are most vulnerable to apps like Coronavirus Trackers, symptoms identification, maps, etc. Malicious Coronavirus Tracker Security researchers from Domaintools observed a malicious Coronavirus tracker app that locks the user’s Android device and asks for a […]

Robinhood Ransomware Borrow Vulnerable Driver To Kill Antivirus and Encrypt Windows System Files

Researchers observed a new ransomware family called “Robinhood” that using a digitally signed vulnerable driver to bypass the protection by killing files belonging to endpoint security products, bypassing tamper protection and antivirus software to encrypt the system files. Attackers using the Living off the Land technique for this ransomware attack to destructive file encryption portion […]

Snake Ransomware That Written in Golang Language Removes Backup Shadows Copies & Encrypt Windows Files

Researchers observed new snake ransomware that written in Golang targeting Windows users to encrypt the system files and remove the Volume Shadow Copies that the OS uses for backup. Snake ransomware is a targeted campaign that contains a standard ransomware feature with some of the more complex functionalities. Malware authors choose the Golang language which […]

FTCODE Ransomware Attack Windows To Encrypt Files & Steals Stored Login Credentials From Browsers

Researchers discovered a new wave of FTCODE ransomware campaign that steal browsers login credentials and Encrypt files in Windows systems. FTCODE ransomware was first observed in 2013, it uses the Windows PowerShell program to perform file encryption. The ransomware resurfaced again starting from last year September, according to Certego analysis of the FTCODE ransomware, it […]

New Zeppelin Ransomware Targeting Tech and Health Companies

A new variant of Vega ransomware family, dubbed Zeppelin, has recently been spotted in the wild targeting technology and healthcare companies across Europe, the United States, and Canada. However, if you reside in Russia or some other ex-USSR countries like Ukraine, Belorussia, and Kazakhstan, breathe a sigh of relief, as the ransomware terminates its operations […]

This Malware Reboots Windows PCs In Safe Mode To Bypass Antivirus

A research team from SophosLabs and Sophos managed Threat Response(SMTR) has come across a new ransomware dubbed Snatch that reboots Windows PCs into safe mode before initiating encryption. According to researchers, this is a never-before-seen behavior and the possible reason why Snatch reboots PCs mid-attack is to evade antivirus apps installed in infected computers. The […]