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Raspberry Robin

Raspberry Robin Worm Evolves to Attack Financial and Insurance Sectors in Europe

Financial and insurance sectors in Europe have been targeted by the Raspberry Robin worm, as the malware continues to evolve its post-exploitation capabilities while remaining under the radar. “What is unique about the malware is that it is heavily obfuscated and highly complex to statically disassemble,” Security Joes said in a new report published Monday. […]

Raspberry Robin Worm Strikes Again, Targeting Telecom and Government Systems

The Raspberry Robin worm has been used in attacks against telecommunications and government office systems across Latin America, Australia, and Europe since at least September 2022. “The main payload itself is packed with more than 10 layers for obfuscation and is capable of delivering a fake payload once it detects sandboxing and security analytics tools,” […]

Raspberry Robin Operators Selling Cybercriminals Access to Thousands of Endpoints

The Raspberry Robin worm is becoming an access-as-a-service malware for deploying other payloads, including IcedID, Bumblebee, TrueBot (aka Silence), and Clop ransomware. It is “part of a complex and interconnected malware ecosystem, with links to other malware families and alternate infection methods beyond its original USB drive spread,” the Microsoft Security Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC) […]