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Rust Programming

Operation Rusty Flag: Azerbaijan Targeted in New Rust-Based Malware Campaign

Targets located in Azerbaijan have been singled out as part of a new campaign that’s designed to deploy Rust-based malware on compromised systems. Cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct is tracking the operation under the name Operation Rusty Flag. It has not been associated with any known threat actor or group. “The operation has at least two […]

New Rust-based Ransomware Family Targets Windows, Linux, and ESXi Systems

Kaspersky security researchers have disclosed details of a brand-new ransomware family written in Rust, making it the third strain after BlackCat and Hive to use the programming language. Luna, as it’s called, is “fairly simple” and can run on Windows, Linux, and ESXi systems, with the malware banking on a combination of Curve25519 and AES […]