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SaaS Security

A SaaS Security Challenge: Getting Permissions All in One Place 

Permissions in SaaS platforms like Salesforce, Workday, and Microsoft 365 are remarkably precise. They spell out exactly which users have access to which data sets. The terminology differs between apps, but each user’s base permission is determined by their role, while additional permissions may be granted based on tasks or projects they are involved with. […]

When Email Security Meets SaaS Security: Uncovering Risky Auto-Forwarding Rules

While intended for convenience and efficient communication, email auto-forwarding rules can inadvertently lead to the unauthorized dissemination of sensitive information to external entities, putting confidential data at risk of exposure to unauthorized parties. Wing Security (Wing), a SaaS security company, announced yesterday that their SaaS shadow IT discovery methods now include a solution that solves […]

SaaS Security is Now Accessible and Affordable to All

This new product offers SaaS discovery and risk assessment coupled with a free user access review in a unique “freemium” model Securing employees’ SaaS usage is becoming increasingly crucial for most cloud-based organizations. While numerous tools are available to address this need, they often employ different approaches and technologies, leading to unnecessary confusion and complexity. […]

The Rise of the Malicious App

Security teams are familiar with threats emanating from third-party applications that employees add to improve their productivity. These apps are inherently designed to deliver functionality to users by connecting to a “hub” app, such as Salesforce, Google Workspace, or Microsoft 365. Security concerns center on the permission scopes that are granted to the third party […]