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security flaws

5G Is Prone To Around 11 Security Flaws And We’re Worried

While 5G hasn’t fully arrived everywhere, we believe it will be better, faster, and more secure than its previous generation. However, new research suggests that the next-gen network is susceptible to various security issues and this could be slightly worrisome. 5G Has Security Flaws! According to a paper by researchers at the University of Iowa […]

9 Major Flaws That Tech Companies Need To Fix Immediately

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), the California-based digital rights group, has launched an initiative called “Fix It Already” that highlights 9 big privacy and security related issues that tech companies need to resolve immediately. The 9 issues are spread across different tech platforms including social media companies, operating system, enterprise platforms and more. As EFF describes, some of these issues exist dues to […]

Google Found 7 Security Flaws In Dnsmasq Network Software

Security researchers have discovered not one or two, but a total of seven security vulnerabilities in the popular open source Dnsmasq network software services, three of which can allow remote code execution in a vulnerable system and hijacking. Dnsmasq network software Dnsmasq network software is a lightweight network application tool widely used to provide DNS […]

Google Leaving Most Android Users Exposed to Hackers

Most people with Android smartphones or tablets are now left exposed to a security flaw because Google has announced it will not be fixing it. The default browser of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean has a known security flaw in the older versions of Android and it is estimated that almost 60% of all users of […]