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Signal Debunks Zero-Day Vulnerability Reports, Finds No Evidence

Encrypted messaging app Signal has pushed back against “viral reports” of an alleged zero-day flaw in its software, stating it found no evidence to support the claim. “After responsible investigation *we have no evidence that suggests this vulnerability is real* nor has any additional info been shared via our official reporting channels,” it said in […]

Facebook blocks Signal from using ads to show Instagram data collection

User privacy and social media have always had a complex relationship, spawning endless debates on regulation, tracking online user behavior, and data collection. It’s why some companies including Apple, have increasingly started to push privacy as a core feature of their products. However, on Facebook, things are going backward. On numerous occasions, reported how […]

Accept new privacy policies or use WhatsApp with limited features

One major WhatsApp feature that will be limited includes receiving calls and messages as the messaging service will be disabled. If you are keeping an eye on WhatsApp’s new privacy policies you may already know that the company has backtracked on its previous decision to deactivate or delete user accounts that didn’t accept sharing their […]

Signal CEO hacks Cellebrite cellphone hacking, cracking tool

Moxie Marlinspike, CEO of Signal states that since Cellebrite itself makes a living from undisclosed vulnerabilities, he decided to disclose the vulnerability to the public rather than informing the company. In December 2020, Cellebrite claimed that it could easily crack Signal’s encryption. However, it seems like tables have turned for the Israel-based software maker since […]

WhatsApp Vulnerability Lets Anyone Spy on Group Chats

A critical vulnerability in WhatsApp has been discovered that lets anyone join the chat and spy on conversations without admin’s permission. With the increasing emphasis on digital privacy, companies are trying their level best to make their services secure and reliable for users. Two years back mobile messaging app WhatsApp was equipped with end-to-end encryption […]

Hack Telegram, WhatsApp and Signal app; get $500,000

If you are a hacker or a security researcher, it is your time to earn some big bucks. Yes, Zerodium, an American information security company has announced that it will pay $500,000 to anyone who can hack Messenger apps including WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal, WeChat, Facebook, and iMessage. Furthermore, the company is also inviting hackers to find flaws in iPhone and […]