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smart TV

FBI advises to put duct tape over Smart TV camera and microphone

Ransomware on Your TV, Get Ready, It’s Coming Currently, smart TVs come with an Internet connection, which allows users to browse the web and watch programs from their favorite streaming platforms and also come equipped with microphones and cameras that allow users to control it by means of voice commands or to make live chats. […]

Shodan and Censys: Finding Hidden Parts On the Internet With Special Search Engines

Our digital lives connect massive things with the Internet. Starting with Smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, Surveillance Camera, Smart TV, SCADA networks and leading to traffic light management systems are exposed to the internet. In 2016 impact of Mirai botnet attack, which was orchestrated as a distributed denial-of-service attack affects 300,000 vulnerable Internet of Things devices. IoT […]

Critical vulnerability in Sony Bravia Smart TV

A group of experts discovered three vulnerabilities in eight Sony Bravia Smart TVs, one of them rated critical.Updating patch management is a crucial task for maintaining Internet of Things (IOT) devices, as smart objects surround us and represent a primary target for malicious hackers. A team of digital forensics experts recently discovered three vulnerabilities (a […]

90% Of Smart TVs Are Easily Hackable Via Malicious TV Signals

Short Bytes: Do you know that your televisions can be easily hacked and used as a spying weapon by an attacker or government. A security researcher recently demonstrated a method that used rogue TV signals, DVB-T to be precise, to gain root access to smart TVs. Moreover, this attack is almost impossible to detect due to […]

Android Ransomware Infects LG Smart TV

Security firms have been warning us for more than a year about the possibility of Android malware jumping from phones and tablets to other Android-powered devices, such smart TVs. The latest incident involving ransomware on a smart TV involves software engineer Darren Cauthon, who revealed that the LG smart TV of one of his family […]

FLocker Mobile Ransomware Crosses to Smart TV

Using multiple devices that run on one platform makes life easier for a lot of people. However, if a malware affects one of these devices, the said malware may eventually affect the others, too. This appears to be the case when we came across an Android mobile lock-screen ransomware, known as “FLocker,” that is capable […]

Be careful of what you say in front our Smart TV, warns Samsung

Beware of Samsung Smart TVs—Voice Recognition Could be Recording and Sharing your Private Conversations Digital age has brought along countless blessings and conveniences for the consumers but there are quite a few dangers associated with the Internet of Things (IoT) that are hard to ignore. Let’s take the example of this new discovery; the voice […]

Ransomware on Your TV, Get Ready, It’s Coming

A PoC shows the future dangers for smart TV sets.Many cyber-security vendors view ransomware as 2016’s biggest threat, and to help drive this point home, a Symantec security researcher demonstrated how easy it can be to infect smart TVs and how hard it can be to clean the infection afterwards. The researcher did not reveal […]

Samsung’s Smart TV may be Spying on YOU!

Samsung decision to process voice commands in its latest Smart TV through cloud server has sparked a new debate on data retention, according to the daily The Register. According to the term and conditions of the new Smart TV, it is clear that everything said in the presence of the TV range gets transmitted to […]