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DarkMe Malware Targets Traders Using Microsoft SmartScreen Zero-Day Vulnerability

A newly disclosed security flaw in the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen has been exploited as a zero-day by an advanced persistent threat actor called Water Hydra (aka DarkCasino) targeting financial market traders. Trend Micro, which began tracking the campaign in late December 2023, said it entails the exploitation of CVE-2024-21412, a security bypass vulnerability related to […]

Evolving Microsoft SmartScreen to protect you from drive-by attacks

Microsoft SmartScreen, integrated with Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, and the Windows operating system, has helped protect users from socially engineered attacks such as phishing and malware downloads since its initial release in Internet Explorer 7. With URL reputation checks and Application Reputation protection, SmartScreen has protected users from billions of web-based attacks in the last […]