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Hackers Exploited Zero-Day RCE Vulnerability in Sophos Firewall — Patch Released

Security software company Sophos has released a patch update for its firewall product after it was discovered that attackers were exploiting a new critical zero-day vulnerability to attack its customers’ network. The issue, tracked as CVE-2022-3236 (CVSS score: 9.8), impacts Sophos Firewall v19.0 MR1 (19.0.1) and older and concerns a code injection vulnerability in the […]

Critical Vulnerability in Cyberoam Firewall, by Sophos: Patch now available

Vulnerability testing specialists report the finding of a critical vulnerability in the Sophos hardware and software company’s firewall solutions. If exploited, this flaw could give a threat actor access to a company’s internal network without having to enter access credentials. According to reports, all Sophos Cyberoam Firewall deployments running CyberoamOS (CROS) version 10.6.6 MR-5 and […]