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speech recognition

Google’s New And Faster Voice Recognition Works Offline On Pixel

Voice recognition is a must-have on a smartphone these days and trying to improve it further for better usage, Google has now introduced an all-neural, on-device speech recognition system on Gboard. Until now, Google has been using cloud-based processing. It uses a “decoder graph” — a component of the algorithm which matches spoken words to written […]

How To Enable Speech Recognition on Windows 10; A Step By Step Tutorial

Windows Speech Recognition was introduced in Windows Vista Operating System and allows a user to control a computer through voice commands, without the need of a keyboard or a mouse. With the help of speech recognition, users can dictate text within documents and e-mails, control the operating system user interface, move the mouse cursor, and […]

Voice Commands Hidden In YouTube Videos Can Hack Your Smartphone

Short Bytes: A combined research has been conducted by UC Berkeley and Georgetown University to demonstrate how distorted voice commands hidden in YouTube videos can be used to attack a smartphone. The research shows that certain harmful commands that can be understood by our voice assistants can be hidden inside a YouTube video. Speech recognition systems […]