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Spring Creators Update

Windows 10 April 2018 Update Features: What’s New In The Big Update?

Ever since Microsoft started offering Windows 10, the arrival of new features has become more frequent. Now, we can get a new Windows update once every six months instead of waiting for years. And if you’re one of the Insiders currently enjoying the goodness of RS4 and RS5, you get to try new changes and […]

How To Download Windows 10 Spring Creators Update Before Anyone Else?

You might be eagerly waiting to get your hands on the upcoming Spring Creators Update for Windows 10. Well, it may be the case for most of the Windows users. It’s the fifth feature update that improves the cross-device experience through the Timeline. Basically, it’s way of using multiple Windows devices as one. So, how are […]

How To Stop Windows 10 April 2018 Update Automatic Installation?

The fifth Windows 10 feature update, most likely named April 2018 Update, is just around the corner. It will arrive with many new features including the timeline, fluent design changes, and more options merged into the Settings app. But just like every other Windows 10 update, it might arrive with problems for some users. So, […]