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SQL Server

Hackers Gain Fileless Persistence on Targeted SQL Servers Using a Built-in Utility

Microsoft on Tuesday warned that it recently spotted a malicious campaign targeting SQL Servers that leverages a built-in PowerShell binary to achieve persistence on compromised systems. The intrusions, which leverage brute-force attacks as an initial compromise vector, stand out for their use of the utility “sqlps.exe,” the tech giant said in a series of tweets. […]

Azure confidential computing: ​Microsoft boosts security for cloud data

Microsoft is rolling out new secure enclave technology for protecting data in use. Microsoft has opened an early access program for a new range of Azure security features it calls “confidential computing”, which protects data even from staff access with access to hardware. The new service’s chief data protection enhancement is to encrypt data while […]

Using SQL Server for attacking a Forest Trust

Recently I started playing with the awesome PowerUpSQL tool by guys at NetSPI. I was interested in the ability to attack an Active Directory (AD) environment using access to a SQL Server, that is, not leaving the database layer as long as possible. Fortunately, during a Red team engagement few weeks back, I had a […]